Source code for ubelt.util_path

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions for working with filesystem paths.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from os.path import abspath
from os.path import dirname
from os.path import exists
from os.path import expanduser
from os.path import expandvars
from os.path import join
from os.path import normpath
from os.path import realpath
from os.path import split
from os.path import splitext
import os
import sys

__all__ = [
    'TempDir', 'augpath', 'compressuser', 'truepath', 'userhome',
    'ensuredir', 'expandpath',

[docs]def augpath(path, suffix='', prefix='', ext=None, base=None, multidot=False): """ Augments a path with a new basename, extension, prefix and/or suffix. A prefix is inserted before the basename. A suffix is inserted between the basename and the extension. The basename and extension can be replaced with a new one. Args: path (PathLike): string representation of a path suffix (str): placed between the basename and extension prefix (str): placed in front of the basename ext (str): if specified, replaces the extension base (str): if specified, replaces the basename (without extension) multidot (bool): if False, everything after the last dot in the basename is the extension. If True, everything after the first dot in the basename is the extension (Defaults to False). Returns: PathLike: augmented path CommandLine: python -m ubelt.util_path augpath Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> path = '' >>> suffix = '_suff' >>> prefix = 'pref_' >>> ext = '.baz' >>> newpath = ub.augpath(path, suffix, prefix, ext=ext, base='bar') >>> print('newpath = %s' % (newpath,)) newpath = pref_bar_suff.baz Example: >>> augpath('') '' >>> augpath('', ext='.BAZ') 'foo.BAZ' >>> augpath('', suffix='_') '' >>> augpath('', prefix='_') '' >>> augpath('', base='baz') '' >>> augpath('foo.tar.gz', ext='.zip', multidot=True) >>> augpath('foo.tar.gz', ext='.zip', multidot=False) """ # Breakup path dpath, fname = split(path) if multidot: parts = fname.split('.') fname_noext = '.'.join(parts[:1]) orig_ext = '.'.join(parts[1:]) else: fname_noext, orig_ext = splitext(fname) ext = orig_ext if ext is None else ext fname_noext = fname_noext if base is None else base # Augment and recombine into new path new_fname = ''.join((prefix, fname_noext, suffix, ext)) newpath = join(dpath, new_fname) return newpath
[docs]def userhome(username=None): """ Returns the user's home directory. If `username` is None, this is the directory for the current user. Args: username (str): name of a user on the system Returns: PathLike: userhome_dpath: path to the home directory Example: >>> import getpass >>> username = getpass.getuser() >>> assert userhome() == expanduser('~') >>> assert userhome(username) == expanduser('~') """ if username is None: # get home directory for the current user if 'HOME' in os.environ: userhome_dpath = os.environ['HOME'] else: # nocover if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): # win32 fallback when HOME is not defined if 'USERPROFILE' in os.environ: userhome_dpath = os.environ['USERPROFILE'] elif 'HOMEPATH' in os.environ: drive = os.environ.get('HOMEDRIVE', '') userhome_dpath = join(drive, os.environ['HOMEPATH']) else: raise OSError("Cannot determine the user's home directory") else: # posix fallback when HOME is not defined import pwd userhome_dpath = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir else: # A specific user directory was requested if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): # nocover # get the directory name for the current user c_users = dirname(userhome()) userhome_dpath = join(c_users, username) if not exists(userhome_dpath): raise KeyError('Unknown user: {}'.format(username)) else: import pwd try: pwent = pwd.getpwnam(username) except KeyError: # nocover raise KeyError('Unknown user: {}'.format(username)) userhome_dpath = pwent.pw_dir return userhome_dpath
[docs]def compressuser(path, home='~'): """ Inverse of `os.path.expanduser` Args: path (PathLike): path in system file structure home (str): symbol used to replace the home path. Defaults to '~', but you might want to use '$HOME' or '%USERPROFILE%' instead. Returns: PathLike: path: shortened path replacing the home directory with a tilde CommandLine: xdoctest -m ubelt.util_path compressuser Example: >>> path = expanduser('~') >>> assert path != '~' >>> assert compressuser(path) == '~' >>> assert compressuser(path + '1') == path + '1' >>> assert compressuser(path + '/1') == join('~', '1') >>> assert compressuser(path + '/1', '$HOME') == join('$HOME', '1') """ path = normpath(path) userhome_dpath = userhome() if path.startswith(userhome_dpath): if len(path) == len(userhome_dpath): path = home elif path[len(userhome_dpath)] == os.path.sep: path = home + path[len(userhome_dpath):] return path
[docs]def expandpath(path): """ Wrapper around expanduser and expandvars. Less aggressive than truepath. Only expands environs and tilde. Does not change relative paths to absolute paths. Args: path (PathLike): string representation of a path Returns: PathLike : expanded path Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> assert normpath(ub.expandpath('~/foo')) == join(ub.userhome(), 'foo') >>> assert ub.expandpath('foo') == 'foo' """ path = expanduser(path) path = expandvars(path) return path
[docs]def truepath(path, real=False): """ Normalizes a string representation of a path and does shell-like expansion. Args: path (PathLike): string representation of a path real (bool): if True, all symbolic links are followed. (default: False) Returns: PathLike : normalized path Note: This function is similar to the composition of expanduser, expandvars, normpath, and (realpath if `real` else abspath). However, on windows backslashes are then replaced with forward slashes to offer a consistent unix-like experience across platforms. On windows expanduser will expand environment variables formatted as %name%, whereas on unix, this will not occur. CommandLine: python -m ubelt.util_path truepath Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> assert ub.truepath('~/foo') == join(ub.userhome(), 'foo') >>> assert ub.truepath('~/foo') == ub.truepath('~/foo/bar/..') >>> assert ub.truepath('~/foo', real=True) == ub.truepath('~/foo') """ path = expanduser(path) path = expandvars(path) if real: path = realpath(path) else: path = abspath(path) path = normpath(path) return path
[docs]def ensuredir(dpath, mode=0o1777, verbose=None): r""" Ensures that directory will exist. Creates new dir with sticky bits by default Args: dpath (PathLike): dir to ensure. Can also be a tuple to send to join mode (int): octal mode of directory (default 0o1777) verbose (int): verbosity (default 0) Returns: PathLike: path: the ensured directory Notes: This function is not thread-safe in Python2 Example: >>> from ubelt.util_platform import * # NOQA >>> import ubelt as ub >>> cache_dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('ubelt') >>> dpath = join(cache_dpath, 'ensuredir') >>> if exists(dpath): ... os.rmdir(dpath) >>> assert not exists(dpath) >>> ub.ensuredir(dpath) >>> assert exists(dpath) >>> os.rmdir(dpath) """ if verbose is None: # nocover verbose = 0 if isinstance(dpath, (list, tuple)): # nocover dpath = join(*dpath) if not exists(dpath): if verbose: # nocover print('Ensuring new directory (%r)' % dpath) if sys.version_info.major == 2: # nocover os.makedirs(normpath(dpath), mode=mode) else: os.makedirs(normpath(dpath), mode=mode, exist_ok=True) else: if verbose: # nocover print('Ensuring existing directory (%r)' % dpath) return dpath
[docs]class TempDir(object): """ Context for creating and cleaning up temporary directories. Example: >>> with TempDir() as self: >>> dpath = self.dpath >>> assert exists(dpath) >>> assert not exists(dpath) Example: >>> self = TempDir() >>> dpath = self.ensure() >>> assert exists(dpath) >>> self.cleanup() >>> assert not exists(dpath) """ def __init__(self): self.dpath = None def __del__(self): self.cleanup()
[docs] def ensure(self): import tempfile if not self.dpath: self.dpath = tempfile.mkdtemp() return self.dpath
[docs] def cleanup(self): if self.dpath: import shutil shutil.rmtree(self.dpath) self.dpath = None
[docs] def start(self): self.ensure() return self
def __enter__(self): return self.start() def __exit__(self, type_, value, trace): self.cleanup()