ubelt.util_download module

Helpers for downloading data

The download function access the network and requests the content at a specific url using urllib or urllib2. You can either specify where the data goes or download it to the default location in ubelt cache. Either way this function returns the location of the downloaded data. You can also specify the expected hash in order to check the validity of the data. By default downloading is verbose.

The grabdata function is almost identitcal to download, but it checks if the data already exists in the download location, and only downloads if it needs to.

ubelt.util_download.download(url, fpath=None, hash_prefix=None, hasher='sha512', chunksize=8192, verbose=1)[source]

downloads a url to a fpath.

  • url (str) – The url to download.
  • fpath (PathLike | io.BytesIOtringIO) – The path to download to. Defaults to basename of url and ubelt’s application cache. If this is a io.BytesIO object then information is directly written to this object (note this prevents the use of temporary files).
  • hash_prefix (None or str) – If specified, download will retry / error if the file hash does not match this value. Defaults to None.
  • hasher (str or Hasher) – If hash_prefix is specified, this indicates the hashing algorithm to apply to the file. Defaults to sha512.
  • chunksize (int) – Download chunksize. Defaults to 2 ** 13.
  • verbose (int) – Verbosity level 0 or 1. Defaults to 1.

fpath - file path string

Return type:


  • URLError - if there is problem downloading the url
  • RuntimeError - if the hash does not match the hash_prefix


Based largely on code in pytorch [4] with modifications influenced by other resources [1] [2] [3].


python -m xdoctest ubelt.util_download download:1


>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--network)
>>> from ubelt.util_download import *  # NOQA
>>> url = 'http://i.imgur.com/rqwaDag.png'
>>> fpath = download(url)
>>> print(basename(fpath))


>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--network)
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> import io
>>> url = 'http://i.imgur.com/rqwaDag.png'
>>> file = io.BytesIO()
>>> fpath = download(url, file)
>>> file.seek(0)
>>> data = file.read()
>>> assert ub.hash_data(data, hasher='sha1').startswith('f79ea24571')


>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--network)
>>> url = 'http://i.imgur.com/rqwaDag.png'
>>> fpath = download(url, hasher='sha1', hash_prefix='f79ea24571da6ddd2ba12e3d57b515249ecb8a35')
Downloading url='http://i.imgur.com/rqwaDag.png' to fpath=...rqwaDag.png
...1233/1233... rate=... Hz, eta=..., total=..., wall=...


>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--network)
>>> # test download from girder
>>> import pytest
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> url = 'https://data.kitware.com/api/v1/item/5b4039308d777f2e6225994c/download'
>>> ub.download(url, hasher='sha512', hash_prefix='c98a46cb31205cf')
>>> with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
>>>     ub.download(url, hasher='sha512', hash_prefix='BAD_HASH')
ubelt.util_download.grabdata(url, fpath=None, dpath=None, fname=None, redo=False, verbose=1, appname=None, hash_prefix=None, hasher='sha512', **download_kw)[source]

Downloads a file, caches it, and returns its local path.

  • url (str) – url to the file to download
  • fpath (PathLike) – The full path to download the file to. If unspecified, the arguments dpath and fname are used to determine this.
  • dpath (PathLike) – where to download the file. If unspecified appname is used to determine this. Mutually exclusive with fpath.
  • fname (str) – What to name the downloaded file. Defaults to the url basename. Mutually exclusive with fpath.
  • redo (bool) – if True forces redownload of the file (default = False)
  • verbose (bool) – verbosity flag (default = True)
  • appname (str) – set dpath to ub.get_app_cache_dir(appname). Mutually exclusive with dpath and fpath.
  • hash_prefix (None or str) – If specified, grabdata verifies that this matches the hash of the file, and then saves the hash in a adjacent file to certify that the download was successful. Defaults to None.
  • hasher (str or Hasher) – If hash_prefix is specified, this indicates the hashing algorithm to apply to the file. Defaults to sha512.
  • **download_kw – additional kwargs to pass to ub.download

fpath - file path string

Return type:



>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--network)
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> url = 'http://i.imgur.com/rqwaDag.png'
>>> fpath = ub.grabdata(url, fname='mario.png')
>>> result = basename(fpath)
>>> print(result)


>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--network)
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> fname = 'foo.bar'
>>> url = 'http://i.imgur.com/rqwaDag.png'
>>> prefix1 = '944389a39dfb8fa9'
>>> fpath = ub.grabdata(url, fname=fname, hash_prefix=prefix1)
>>> stamp_fpath = fpath + '.hash'
>>> assert open(stamp_fpath, 'r').read() == prefix1
>>> # Check that the download doesn't happen again
>>> fpath = ub.grabdata(url, fname=fname, hash_prefix=prefix1)
>>> # todo: check file timestamps have not changed
>>> #
>>> # Check redo works with hash
>>> fpath = ub.grabdata(url, fname=fname, hash_prefix=prefix1, redo=True)
>>> # todo: check file timestamps have changed
>>> #
>>> # Check that a redownload occurs when the stamp is changed
>>> open(stamp_fpath, 'w').write('corrupt-stamp')
>>> fpath = ub.grabdata(url, fname=fname, hash_prefix=prefix1)
>>> assert open(stamp_fpath, 'r').read() == prefix1
>>> #
>>> # Check that a redownload occurs when the stamp is removed
>>> ub.delete(stamp_fpath)
>>> open(fpath, 'w').write('corrupt-data')
>>> assert not ub.hash_file(fpath, base='hex', hasher='sha512').startswith(prefix1)
>>> fpath = ub.grabdata(url, fname=fname, hash_prefix=prefix1)
>>> assert ub.hash_file(fpath, base='hex', hasher='sha512').startswith(prefix1)
>>> #
>>> # Check that requesting new data causes redownload
>>> url2 = 'https://data.kitware.com/api/v1/item/5b4039308d777f2e6225994c/download'
>>> prefix2 = 'c98a46cb31205cf'
>>> fpath = ub.grabdata(url2, fname=fname, hash_prefix=prefix2)
>>> assert open(stamp_fpath, 'r').read() == prefix2