ubelt.util_hash module

Wrappers around hashlib functions to generate hash signatures for common data.

The hashes are deterministic across python versions and operating systems. This is verified by CI testing on Windows, Linux, Python with 2.7, 3.4, and greater, and on 32 and 64 bit versions.

Use Case #1: You have data that you want to hash. If we assume the data is in standard python scalars or ordered sequences: e.g. tuple, list, odict, oset, int, str, etc…, then the solution is hash_data.

Use Case #2: You have a file you want to hash, but your system doesn’t have a sha1sum executable (or you dont want to use Popen). The solution is hash_file

The ub.hash_data function recursively hashes most builtin python data structures.

The ub.hash_file function hashes data on disk. Both of the aformentioned functions have options for different hashers and alphabets.


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> data = ub.odict(sorted({
>>>     'param1': True,
>>>     'param2': 0,
>>>     'param3': [None],
>>>     'param4': ('str', 4.2),
>>> }.items()))
>>> # hash_data can hash any ordered builtin object
>>> ub.hash_data(data, convert=False, hasher='sha512')


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> from os.path import join
>>> fpath = ub.touch(join(ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('ubelt'), 'empty_file'))
>>> ub.hash_file(fpath, hasher='sha1')


The exact hashes generated for data object and files may change in the future. When this happens the HASH_VERSION attribute will be incremented.

ubelt.util_hash.hash_data(data, hasher=NoParam, base=NoParam, types=False, hashlen=NoParam, convert=False, extensions=None)[source]

Get a unique hash depending on the state of the data.

  • data (object) – Any sort of loosely organized data
  • hasher (str | HASH, default=’sha512’) – string code or a hash algorithm from hashlib.
  • base (List[str] | str, default=’hex’) – list of symbols or shorthand key. Valid keys are ‘abc’, ‘hex’, and ‘dec’.
  • types (bool) – If True data types are included in the hash, otherwise only the raw data is hashed. Defaults to False.
  • hashlen (int) – Maximum number of symbols in the returned hash. If not specified, all are returned. DEPRECATED. Use slice syntax instead.
  • convert (bool, optional, default=True) – if True, try and convert the data to json an the json is hashed instead. This can improve runtime in some instances, however the hash may differ from the case where convert=False.
  • extensions (HashableExtensions) – a custom HashableExtensions instance that can overwrite or define how different types of objects are hashed.

text representing the hashed data

Return type:



The alphabet26 base is a pretty nice base, I recommend it. However we default to base='hex' because it is standard. You can try the alphabet26 base by setting base='abc'.


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> print(ub.hash_data([1, 2, (3, '4')], convert=False))
>>> print(ub.hash_data([1, 2, (3, '4')], base='abc',  hasher='sha512')[:32])
ubelt.util_hash.hash_file(fpath, blocksize=65536, stride=1, hasher=NoParam, hashlen=NoParam, base=NoParam)[source]

Hashes the data in a file on disk.

The results of this function agree with the standard UNIX commands (e.g. sha1sum, sha512sum, md5sum, etc…)

  • fpath (PathLike) – location of the file to be hashed.
  • blocksize (int, default=2 * 16*) – Affects speed of reading file
  • stride (int, default=1) – strides > 1 skip data to hash, useful for faster hashing, but less accurate, also makes hash dependant on blocksize.
  • hasher (str | HASH, default=’sha512’) – string code or a hash algorithm from hashlib.
  • hashlen (int) – maximum number of symbols in the returned hash. If not specified, all are returned.
  • base (List[str] | str, default=’hex’) – list of symbols or shorthand key. Valid keys are ‘abc’, ‘hex’, and ‘dec’.


For better hashes keep stride = 1 For faster hashes set stride > 1 blocksize matters when stride > 1


http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3431825/md5-checksum-of-a-file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5001893/when-to-use-sha-1-vs-sha-2


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> from os.path import join
>>> fpath = join(ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('ubelt'), 'tmp.txt')
>>> ub.writeto(fpath, 'foobar')
>>> print(ub.hash_file(fpath, hasher='sha1', base='hex'))


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> from os.path import join
>>> fpath = ub.touch(join(ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('ubelt'), 'empty_file'))
>>> # Test that the output is the same as sha1sum
>>> if ub.find_exe('sha1sum'):
>>>     want = ub.cmd(['sha1sum', fpath], verbose=2)['out'].split(' ')[0]
>>>     got = ub.hash_file(fpath, hasher='sha1')
>>>     print('want = {!r}'.format(want))
>>>     print('got = {!r}'.format(got))
>>>     assert want.endswith(got)
>>> # Do the same for sha512 sum and md5sum
>>> if ub.find_exe('sha512sum'):
>>>     want = ub.cmd(['sha512sum', fpath], verbose=2)['out'].split(' ')[0]
>>>     got = ub.hash_file(fpath, hasher='sha512')
>>>     print('want = {!r}'.format(want))
>>>     print('got = {!r}'.format(got))
>>>     assert want.endswith(got)
>>> if ub.find_exe('md5sum'):
>>>     want = ub.cmd(['md5sum', fpath], verbose=2)['out'].split(' ')[0]
>>>     got = ub.hash_file(fpath, hasher='md5')
>>>     print('want = {!r}'.format(want))
>>>     print('got = {!r}'.format(got))
>>>     assert want.endswith(got)