ubelt.util_colors module

This module expoes simple functions to color your text and highlight your code using ANSI escape sequences. This works using the Pygments library, which is an optional requirement. Therefore, these functions only work properly if Pygments is installed, otherwise these functions will return the unmodified text and a warning will be printed.

The highlight_code function uses pygments to highlight syntax of a programing language.

The color_text function colors text with a solid color.

Note the functions in this module require the optional pygments library to work correctly. These functions will warn if pygments is not installed.

pip install pygments
ubelt.util_colors.highlight_code(text, lexer_name='python', **kwargs)[source]

Highlights a block of text using ANSI tags based on language syntax.

  • text (str) – plain text to highlight
  • lexer_name (str) – name of language. eg: python, docker, c++
  • **kwargs – passed to pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name

text : highlighted text

If pygments is not installed, the plain text is returned.

Return type:


python -c “import pygments.formatters; print(list(pygments.formatters.get_all_formatters()))” python -c “import pygments.lexers, ubelt; print(ubelt.repr2(pygments.lexers.__all__, nl=2))”


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> text = 'import ubelt as ub; print(ub)'
>>> new_text = ub.highlight_code(text)
>>> print(new_text)
ubelt.util_colors.color_text(text, color)[source]

Colorizes text a single color using ansii tags.

  • text (str) – text to colorize
  • color (str) – may be one of the following: yellow, blink, lightgray, underline, darkyellow, blue, darkblue, faint, fuchsia, black, white, red, brown, turquoise, bold, darkred, darkgreen, reset, standout, darkteal, darkgray, overline, purple, green, teal, fuscia

text : colorized text.

If pygments is not installed plain text is returned.

Return type:


python -c “import pygments.console; print(sorted(pygments.console.codes.keys()))” python -m ubelt.util_colors color_text


>>> text = 'raw text'
>>> import pytest
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> if ub.modname_to_modpath('pygments'):
>>>     # Colors text only if pygments is installed
>>>     ansi_text = ub.ensure_unicode(color_text(text, 'red'))
>>>     prefix = ub.ensure_unicode('\x1b[31')
>>>     print('prefix = {!r}'.format(prefix))
>>>     print('ansi_text = {!r}'.format(ansi_text))
>>>     assert ansi_text.startswith(prefix)
>>>     assert color_text(text, None) == 'raw text'
>>> else:
>>>     # Otherwise text passes through unchanged
>>>     assert color_text(text, 'red') == 'raw text'
>>>     assert color_text(text, None) == 'raw text'