Source code for ubelt._util_deprecated

This file contains functions to be deprecated, but are still accessible.
import os
import six
from os.path import exists
from os.path import sys
from os.path import abspath
from os.path import expanduser
from os.path import expandvars
from os.path import normpath
from os.path import realpath
from ubelt import util_const
from .util_platform import get_app_cache_dir, platform_cache_dir, ensure_app_cache_dir, WIN32, LINUX, DARWIN


[docs]def truepath(path, real=False): """ Normalizes a string representation of a path and does shell-like expansion. Args: path (str | PathLike): string representation of a path real (bool): if True, all symbolic links are followed. (default: False) Returns: str : normalized path Note: This function is similar to the composition of expanduser, expandvars, normpath, and (realpath if `real` else abspath). However, on windows backslashes are then replaced with forward slashes to offer a consistent unix-like experience across platforms. On windows expanduser will expand environment variables formatted as %name%, whereas on unix, this will not occur. Example: >>> from os.path import join >>> import ubelt as ub >>> assert ub.truepath('~/foo') == join(ub.userhome(), 'foo') >>> assert ub.truepath('~/foo') == ub.truepath('~/foo/bar/..') >>> assert ub.truepath('~/foo', real=True) == ub.truepath('~/foo') """ path = expanduser(path) path = expandvars(path) if real: path = realpath(path) else: path = abspath(path) path = normpath(path) return path
[docs]def compressuser(path, home='~'): # nocover """ Inverse of :func:`os.path.expanduser`. Args: path (str | PathLike): path in system file structure home (str, default='~'): symbol used to replace the home path. Defaults to '~', but you might want to use '$HOME' or '%USERPROFILE%' instead. Returns: str: path: shortened path replacing the home directory with a tilde Example: >>> from os.path import join >>> path = expanduser('~') >>> assert path != '~' >>> assert compressuser(path) == '~' >>> assert compressuser(path + '1') == path + '1' >>> assert compressuser(path + '/1') == join('~', '1') >>> assert compressuser(path + '/1', '$HOME') == join('$HOME', '1') """ from ubelt import userhome path = normpath(path) userhome_dpath = userhome() if path.startswith(userhome_dpath): if len(path) == len(userhome_dpath): path = home elif path[len(userhome_dpath)] == os.path.sep: path = home + path[len(userhome_dpath):] return path
[docs]def editfile(fpath, verbose=True): # nocover """ DEPRICATED: This has been ported to xdev, please use that version. Opens a file or code corresponding to a live python object in your preferred visual editor. This function is mainly useful in an interactive IPython session. The visual editor is determined by the `VISUAL` environment variable. If this is not specified it defaults to gvim. Args: fpath (PathLike): a file path or python module / function verbose (int): verbosity Example: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> # This test interacts with a GUI frontend, not sure how to test. >>> import ubelt as ub >>> ub.editfile(ub.util_platform.__file__) >>> ub.editfile(ub) >>> ub.editfile(ub.editfile) """ from six import types import ubelt as ub import warnings warnings.warn('Please use xdev.editfile instead', DeprecationWarning) if not isinstance(fpath, six.string_types): if isinstance(fpath, types.ModuleType): fpath = fpath.__file__ else: fpath = sys.modules[fpath.__module__].__file__ fpath_py = fpath.replace('.pyc', '.py') if exists(fpath_py): fpath = fpath_py if verbose: print('[ubelt] editfile("{}")'.format(fpath)) editor = os.environ.get('VISUAL', 'gvim') if not ub.find_exe(editor): warnings.warn('Cannot find visual editor={}'.format(editor), UserWarning) # Try and fallback on commonly installed editor alt_candidates = [ 'gedit', 'TextEdit' 'Notepad', ] for cand in alt_candidates: if ub.find_exe(cand): editor = cand if not exists(fpath): raise IOError('Cannot start nonexistant file: %r' % fpath) ub.cmd([editor, fpath], fpath, detach=True)
[docs]def platform_resource_dir(): # nocover """ Alias for platform_cache_dir DEPRICATED in favor of platform_config_dir / platform_data_dir Returns a directory which should be writable for any application This should be used for persistent configuration files. Returns: PathLike : path to the resource dir used by the current operating system """ return platform_cache_dir()
[docs]def get_app_resource_dir(appname, *args): # nocover r""" Returns a writable directory for an application This should be used for persistent configuration files. DEPRICATED in favor of get_app_config_dir / get_app_data_dir Args: appname (str): the name of the application *args: any other subdirectories may be specified Returns: PathLike: dpath: writable resource directory for this application SeeAlso: ensure_app_resource_dir """ return get_app_cache_dir(appname, *args)
[docs]def ensure_app_resource_dir(appname, *args): # nocover """ Calls `get_app_resource_dir` but ensures the directory exists. DEPRICATED in favor of ensure_app_config_dir / ensure_app_data_dir Args: appname (str): the name of the application *args: any other subdirectories may be specified SeeAlso: get_app_resource_dir """ return ensure_app_cache_dir(appname, *args)
[docs]def startfile(fpath, verbose=True): # nocover """ Uses default program defined by the system to open a file. This is done via `os.startfile` on windows, `open` on mac, and `xdg-open` on linux. Args: fpath (str | PathLike): a file to open using the program associated with the files extension type. verbose (int): verbosity References: Example: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> # This test interacts with a GUI frontend, not sure how to test. >>> import ubelt as ub >>> base = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('ubelt') >>> fpath1 = join(base, 'test_open.txt') >>> ub.touch(fpath1) >>> proc = ub.startfile(fpath1) """ from ubelt import util_cmd if verbose: print('[ubelt] startfile("{}")'.format(fpath)) fpath = normpath(fpath) if not exists(fpath): raise Exception('Cannot start nonexistant file: %r' % fpath) if not WIN32: import pipes fpath = pipes.quote(fpath) if LINUX: info = util_cmd.cmd(('xdg-open', fpath), detach=True, verbose=verbose) elif DARWIN: info = util_cmd.cmd(('open', fpath), detach=True, verbose=verbose) elif WIN32: os.startfile(fpath) info = None else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown Platform') if info is not None: if not info['proc']: raise Exception('startfile failed')
[docs]def dict_take(dict_, keys, default=util_const.NoParam): r""" Generates values from a dictionary Args: dict_ (Mapping): a dictionary to take from keys (Iterable): the keys to take default (object, optional): if specified uses default if keys are missing CommandLine: python -m ubelt.util_dict dict_take_gen Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dict_ = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'} >>> keys = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> result = list(ub.dict_take(dict_, keys, None)) >>> assert result == ['a', 'b', 'c', None, None] Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dict_ = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'} >>> keys = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> try: >>> print(list(ub.dict_take(dict_, keys))) >>> raise AssertionError('did not get key error') >>> except KeyError: >>> print('correctly got key error') """ if default is util_const.NoParam: for key in keys: yield dict_[key] else: for key in keys: yield dict_.get(key, default)
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m ubelt._util_deprecated """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)