ubelt.util_format module

Defines the function repr2(), which allows for a bit more customization than repr() or pprint(). See the docstring for more details.

ubelt.util_format.repr2(data, **kwargs)[source]

Makes a pretty string representation of data.

Makes a pretty and easy-to-doctest string representation. Has nice handling of common nested datatypes. This is an alternative to repr, and pprint.pformat().

This output of this function are very configurable. By default it aims to produce strings that are executable and consistent between Python versions. This makes them great for doctests.


This function has many keyword arguments that can be used to customize the final representation. For convinience some of the more frequently used kwargs have short aliases. See “Kwargs” for more details.

  • data (object) – an arbitrary python object
  • **kwargs – see “the Kwargs” section
si, stritems, (bool):
dict/list items use str instead of repr
strkeys, sk (bool):
dict keys use str instead of repr
strvals, sv (bool):
dict values use str instead of repr
nl, newlines (int | bool):
number of top level nestings to place a newline after. If true all items are followed by newlines regardless of nesting level. Defaults to 1 for lists and True for dicts.
nobr, nobraces (bool, default=False):
if True, text will not contain outer braces for containers
cbr, compact_brace (bool, default=False):
if True, braces are compactified (i.e. they will not have newlines placed directly after them, think java / K&R / 1TBS)
trailsep, trailing_sep (bool):
if True, a separator is placed after the last item in a sequence. By default this is True if there are any nl > 0.
explicit (bool, default=False):
changes dict representation from {k1: v1, ...} to dict(k1=v1, ...).
precision (int, default=None):
if specified floats are formatted with this precision
kvsep (str, default=’: ‘):
separator between keys and values
itemsep (str, default=’ ‘):
separator between items
sort (bool | callable, default=None):

if None, then sort unordered collections, but keep the ordering of ordered collections. This option attempts to be determenistic in most cases.

New in 0.8.0: if sort is callable, it will be used as a key-function to sort all collections.

if False, then nothing will be sorted, and the representation of unordered collections will be arbitrary and possibly non-determenistic.

if True, attempts to sort all collections in the returned text. Currently if True this WILL sort lists. Currently if True this WILL NOT sort OrderedDicts. NOTE:

The previous behavior may not be intuitive, as such the behavior of this arg is subject to change.
suppress_small (bool):
passed to numpy.array2string() for ndarrays
max_line_width (int):
passed to numpy.array2string() for ndarrays
with_dtype (bool):
only relevant to numpy.ndarrays. if True includes the dtype. Defaults to not strvals.
extensions (FormatterExtensions):
a custom FormatterExtensions instance that can overwrite or define how different types of objects are formatted.
Returns:outstr - output string
Return type:str


There are also internal kwargs, which should not be used:

_return_info (bool): return information about child context

_root_info (depth): information about parent context


>>> from ubelt.util_format import *
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> dict_ = {
...     'custom_types': [slice(0, 1, None), 1/3],
...     'nest_dict': {'k1': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}],
...                   'key2': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}],
...                   'key3': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}],
...                   },
...     'nest_dict2': {'k': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}]},
...     'nested_tuples': [tuple([1]), tuple([2, 3]), frozenset([4, 5, 6])],
...     'one_tup': tuple([1]),
...     'simple_dict': {'spam': 'eggs', 'ham': 'jam'},
...     'simple_list': [1, 2, 'red', 'blue'],
...     'odict': ub.odict([(1, '1'), (2, '2')]),
... }
>>> # In the interest of saving space we are only going to show the
>>> # output for the first example.
>>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=1, precision=2)
>>> print(result)
    'custom_types': [slice(0, 1, None), 0.33],
    'nest_dict': {'k1': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}], 'key2': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}], 'key3': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}]},
    'nest_dict2': {'k': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}]},
    'nested_tuples': [(1,), (2, 3), {4, 5, 6}],
    'odict': {1: '1', 2: '2'},
    'one_tup': (1,),
    'simple_dict': {'ham': 'jam', 'spam': 'eggs'},
    'simple_list': [1, 2, 'red', 'blue'],
>>> # You can try the rest yourself.
>>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=3, precision=2); print(result)
>>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=2, precision=2); print(result)
>>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=1, precision=2, itemsep='', explicit=True); print(result)
>>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=1, precision=2, nobr=1, itemsep='', explicit=True); print(result)
>>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=3, precision=2, cbr=True); print(result)
>>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=3, precision=2, si=True); print(result)
>>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=3, sort=True); print(result)
>>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=3, sort=False, trailing_sep=False); print(result)
>>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=3, sort=False, trailing_sep=False, nobr=True); print(result)


>>> from ubelt.util_format import *
>>> def _nest(d, w):
...     if d == 0:
...         return {}
...     else:
...         return {'n{}'.format(d): _nest(d - 1, w + 1), 'm{}'.format(d): _nest(d - 1, w + 1)}
>>> dict_ = _nest(d=4, w=1)
>>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=6, precision=2, cbr=1)
>>> print('---')
>>> print(result)
>>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=-1, precision=2)
>>> print('---')
>>> print(result)
class ubelt.util_format.FormatterExtensions[source]

Bases: object

Helper class for managing non-builtin (e.g. numpy) format types.

This module (ubelt.util_format) maintains a global set of basic extensions, but it is also possible to create a locally scoped set of extensions and explicilty pass it to repr2. The following example demonstrates this.


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> class MyObject(object):
>>>     pass
>>> data = {'a': [1, 2.2222, MyObject()], 'b': MyObject()}
>>> # Create a custom set of extensions
>>> extensions = ub.FormatterExtensions()
>>> # Register a function to format your specific type
>>> @extensions.register(MyObject)
>>> def format_myobject(data, **kwargs):
>>>     return 'I can do anything here'
>>> # Repr2 will now respect the passed custom extensions
>>> # Note that the global extensions will still be respected
>>> # unless they are overloaded.
>>> print(ub.repr2(data, nl=-1, precision=1, extensions=extensions))
    'a': [1, 2.2, I can do anything here],
    'b': I can do anything here
>>> # Overload the formatter for float and int
>>> @extensions.register((float, int))
>>> def format_myobject(data, **kwargs):
>>>     return str((data + 10) // 2)
>>> print(ub.repr2(data, nl=-1, precision=1, extensions=extensions))
    'a': [5, 6.0, I can do anything here],
    'b': I can do anything here

Registers a custom formatting function with ub.repr2


Returns an appropriate function to format data if one has been registered.