Source code for ubelt._util_deprecated

This file contains functions to be deprecated, but are still accessible.
import os
import sys
from os.path import exists, abspath, expanduser, expandvars, normpath, realpath
from ubelt import util_const
from .util_platform import (
    get_app_cache_dir, platform_cache_dir, ensure_app_cache_dir, WIN32, LINUX,

PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2

if PY2:
    import six
    string_types = six.string_types
    string_types = (str,)


[docs]def truepath(path, real=False): """ Normalizes a string representation of a path and does shell-like expansion. Args: path (str | PathLike): string representation of a path real (bool): if True, all symbolic links are followed. (default: False) Returns: str : normalized path Note: This function is similar to the composition of expanduser, expandvars, normpath, and (realpath if `real` else abspath). However, on windows backslashes are then replaced with forward slashes to offer a consistent unix-like experience across platforms. On windows expanduser will expand environment variables formatted as %name%, whereas on unix, this will not occur. Example: >>> from os.path import join >>> import ubelt as ub >>> assert ub.truepath('~/foo') == join(ub.userhome(), 'foo') >>> assert ub.truepath('~/foo') == ub.truepath('~/foo/bar/..') >>> assert ub.truepath('~/foo', real=True) == ub.truepath('~/foo') """ path = expanduser(path) path = expandvars(path) if real: path = realpath(path) else: path = abspath(path) path = normpath(path) return path
[docs]def compressuser(path, home='~'): # nocover """ Inverse of :func:`os.path.expanduser`. Args: path (str | PathLike): path in system file structure home (str, default='~'): symbol used to replace the home path. Defaults to '~', but you might want to use '$HOME' or '%USERPROFILE%' instead. Returns: str: path: shortened path replacing the home directory with a tilde Example: >>> from os.path import join >>> path = expanduser('~') >>> assert path != '~' >>> assert compressuser(path) == '~' >>> assert compressuser(path + '1') == path + '1' >>> assert compressuser(path + '/1') == join('~', '1') >>> assert compressuser(path + '/1', '$HOME') == join('$HOME', '1') """ from ubelt import userhome path = normpath(path) userhome_dpath = userhome() if path.startswith(userhome_dpath): if len(path) == len(userhome_dpath): path = home elif path[len(userhome_dpath)] == os.path.sep: path = home + path[len(userhome_dpath):] return path
[docs]def editfile(fpath, verbose=True): # nocover """ DEPRICATED: This has been ported to xdev, please use that version. Opens a file or code corresponding to a live python object in your preferred visual editor. This function is mainly useful in an interactive IPython session. The visual editor is determined by the `VISUAL` environment variable. If this is not specified it defaults to gvim. Args: fpath (PathLike): a file path or python module / function verbose (int): verbosity Example: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> # This test interacts with a GUI frontend, not sure how to test. >>> import ubelt as ub >>> ub.editfile(ub.util_platform.__file__) >>> ub.editfile(ub) >>> ub.editfile(ub.editfile) """ from six import types import ubelt as ub import warnings warnings.warn('Please use xdev.editfile instead', DeprecationWarning) if not isinstance(fpath, string_types): if isinstance(fpath, types.ModuleType): fpath = fpath.__file__ else: fpath = sys.modules[fpath.__module__].__file__ fpath_py = fpath.replace('.pyc', '.py') if exists(fpath_py): fpath = fpath_py if verbose: print('[ubelt] editfile("{}")'.format(fpath)) editor = os.environ.get('VISUAL', 'gvim') if not ub.find_exe(editor): warnings.warn('Cannot find visual editor={}'.format(editor), UserWarning) # Try and fallback on commonly installed editor alt_candidates = [ 'gedit', 'TextEdit' 'Notepad', # 'todo vscode', # 'todo atom', # 'todo sublime', ] for cand in alt_candidates: if ub.find_exe(cand): editor = cand if not exists(fpath): raise IOError('Cannot start nonexistant file: %r' % fpath) ub.cmd([editor, fpath], fpath, detach=True)
[docs]def platform_resource_dir(): # nocover """ Alias for platform_cache_dir DEPRICATED in favor of platform_config_dir / platform_data_dir Returns a directory which should be writable for any application This should be used for persistent configuration files. Returns: PathLike : path to the resource dir used by the current operating system """ return platform_cache_dir()
[docs]def get_app_resource_dir(appname, *args): # nocover r""" Returns a writable directory for an application This should be used for persistent configuration files. DEPRICATED in favor of get_app_config_dir / get_app_data_dir Args: appname (str): the name of the application *args: any other subdirectories may be specified Returns: PathLike: dpath: writable resource directory for this application SeeAlso: ensure_app_resource_dir """ return get_app_cache_dir(appname, *args)
[docs]def ensure_app_resource_dir(appname, *args): # nocover """ Calls `get_app_resource_dir` but ensures the directory exists. DEPRICATED in favor of ensure_app_config_dir / ensure_app_data_dir Args: appname (str): the name of the application *args: any other subdirectories may be specified SeeAlso: get_app_resource_dir """ return ensure_app_cache_dir(appname, *args)
[docs]def startfile(fpath, verbose=True): # nocover """ Uses default program defined by the system to open a file. This is done via `os.startfile` on windows, `open` on mac, and `xdg-open` on linux. Args: fpath (str | PathLike): a file to open using the program associated with the files extension type. verbose (int): verbosity References: Example: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> # This test interacts with a GUI frontend, not sure how to test. >>> import ubelt as ub >>> base = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('ubelt') >>> fpath1 = join(base, 'test_open.txt') >>> ub.touch(fpath1) >>> proc = ub.startfile(fpath1) """ from ubelt import util_cmd if verbose: print('[ubelt] startfile("{}")'.format(fpath)) fpath = normpath(fpath) if not exists(fpath): raise Exception('Cannot start nonexistant file: %r' % fpath) if not WIN32: import pipes fpath = pipes.quote(fpath) if LINUX: info = util_cmd.cmd(('xdg-open', fpath), detach=True, verbose=verbose) elif DARWIN: info = util_cmd.cmd(('open', fpath), detach=True, verbose=verbose) elif WIN32: os.startfile(fpath) info = None else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown Platform') if info is not None: if not info['proc']: raise Exception('startfile failed')
[docs]def dict_take(dict_, keys, default=util_const.NoParam): r""" Generates values from a dictionary Args: dict_ (Mapping): a dictionary to take from keys (Iterable): the keys to take default (object, optional): if specified uses default if keys are missing Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dict_ = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'} >>> keys = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> result = list(ub.dict_take(dict_, keys, None)) >>> assert result == ['a', 'b', 'c', None, None] Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dict_ = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'} >>> keys = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> try: >>> print(list(ub.dict_take(dict_, keys))) >>> raise AssertionError('did not get key error') >>> except KeyError: >>> print('correctly got key error') """ if default is util_const.NoParam: for key in keys: yield dict_[key] else: for key in keys: yield dict_.get(key, default)