Source code for ubelt.util_colors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals
import sys

[docs]def highlight_code(text, lexer_name='python', **kwargs): r""" Highlights a block of text using ansii tags based on language syntax. Args: text (str): plain text to highlight lexer_name (str): name of language **kwargs: passed to pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name Returns: str: text : highlighted text If pygments is not installed, the plain text is returned. CommandLine: python -c "import pygments.formatters; print(list(pygments.formatters.get_all_formatters()))" Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> text = 'import ubelt as ub; print(ub)' >>> new_text = ub.highlight_code(text) >>> print(new_text) """ # Resolve extensions to languages lexer_name = { 'py': 'python', 'h': 'cpp', 'cpp': 'cpp', 'cxx': 'cpp', 'c': 'cpp', }.get(lexer_name.replace('.', ''), lexer_name) try: import pygments import pygments.lexers import pygments.formatters import pygments.formatters.terminal if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): # nocover # Hack on win32 to support colored output import colorama colorama.init() formater = pygments.formatters.terminal.TerminalFormatter(bg='dark') lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name(lexer_name, **kwargs) new_text = pygments.highlight(text, lexer, formater) except ImportError: # nocover import warnings warnings.warn('pygments is not installed') new_text = text return new_text
[docs]def color_text(text, color): r""" Colorizes text a single color using ansii tags. Args: text (str): text to colorize color (str): may be one of the following: yellow, blink, lightgray, underline, darkyellow, blue, darkblue, faint, fuchsia, black, white, red, brown, turquoise, bold, darkred, darkgreen, reset, standout, darkteal, darkgray, overline, purple, green, teal, fuscia Returns: str: text : colorized text. If pygments is not installed plain text is returned. CommandLine: python -c "import pygments.console; print(sorted(" python -m ubelt.util_colors color_text Example: >>> from ubelt.util_colors import * # NOQA >>> text = 'raw text' >>> assert color_text(text, 'red') == '\x1b[31;01mraw text\x1b[39;49;00m' >>> assert color_text(text, None) == 'raw text' """ if color is None: return text try: import pygments import pygments.console if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): # nocover # Hack on win32 to support colored output import colorama colorama.init() ansi_text = pygments.console.colorize(color, text) return ansi_text except ImportError: # nocover import warnings warnings.warn('pygments is not installed') return text
if __name__ == '__main__': r""" CommandLine: python -m ubelt.util_colors all """ import ubelt as ub # NOQ xdoc.doctest_module()