Source code for ubelt.util_format

import re
import six
import math
import collections

# __all__ = [
#     'repr2',
#     '_format_list',
#     '_format_dict',
# ]

[docs]def repr2(val, **kwargs): """ Constructs a "pretty" string representation. This is an alternative to repr, and `pprint.pformat` that attempts to be both more configurable and generate output that is consistent between python versions. Args: val (object): an arbitrary python object **kwargs: si, stritems, strkeys, strvals, sk, sv, nl, newlines, nobr, nobraces, cbr, compact_brace, trailsep, trailing_sep, explicit, itemsep, precision, kvsep, sort Returns: str: output string CommandLine: python -m ubelt.util_format repr2:0 python -m ubelt.util_format repr2:1 Example: >>> from ubelt.util_format import * >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dict_ = { ... 'custom_types': [slice(0, 1, None), 1/3], ... 'nest_dict': {'k1': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}], ... 'key2': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}], ... 'key3': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}], ... }, ... 'nest_dict2': {'k': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}]}, ... 'nested_tuples': [tuple([1]), tuple([2, 3]), frozenset([4, 5, 6])], ... 'one_tup': tuple([1]), ... 'simple_dict': {'spam': 'eggs', 'ham': 'jam'}, ... 'simple_list': [1, 2, 'red', 'blue'], ... 'odict': ub.odict([(1, '1'), (2, '2')]), ... } >>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=3, precision=2); print(result) >>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=2, precision=2); print(result) >>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=1, precision=2); print(result) >>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=1, precision=2, itemsep='', explicit=True); print(result) >>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=1, precision=2, nobr=1, itemsep='', explicit=True); print(result) >>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=3, precision=2, cbr=True); print(result) >>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=3, precision=2, si=True); print(result) >>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=3, sort=True); print(result) >>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=3, sort=False, trailing_sep=False); print(result) >>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=3, sort=False, trailing_sep=False, nobr=True); print(result) Example: >>> from ubelt.util_format import * >>> def _nest(d, w): ... if d == 0: ... return {} ... else: ... return {'n{}'.format(d): _nest(d - 1, w + 1), 'm{}'.format(d): _nest(d - 1, w + 1)} >>> dict_ = _nest(d=4, w=1) >>> result = repr2(dict_, nl=6, precision=2, cbr=1) >>> print('---') >>> print(result) """ if isinstance(val, dict): return _format_dict(val, **kwargs) elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)): return _format_list(val, **kwargs) # check any registered functions for special formatters func = _FORMATTER_EXTENSIONS.lookup(val) for type, func in _FORMATTER_EXTENSIONS.func_registry.items(): if isinstance(val, type): return func(val, **kwargs) # base case return _format_object(val, **kwargs)
class _FormatterExtensions(object): """ Singleton helper class for managing non-builtin (e.g. numpy) format types """ # set_types = [set, frozenset] # list_types = [list, tuple] # dict_types = [dict] # custom_types = { # 'numpy': [], # 'pandas': [], # } # @classmethod # def sequence_types(cls): # return cls.list_types + cls.set_types def __init__(self): self.func_registry = {} def register(self, type): """ Registers a custom formatting function with ub.repr2 """ def _decorator(func): self.func_registry[type] = func return func return _decorator def lookup(self, data): """ Returns an appropriate function to format `data` if one has been registered. """ for type, func in _FORMATTER_EXTENSIONS.func_registry.items(): if isinstance(data, type): return func def _register_numpy_extensions(self): """ CommandLine: python -m ubelt.util_format _FormatterExtensions._register_numpy_extensions Example: >>> import sys >>> import pytest >>> if 'numpy' not in sys.modules: ... raise pytest.skip() >>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WHITESPACE >>> import ubelt as ub >>> data = np.array([[.2, 42, 5], [21.2, 3, .4]]) >>> print(ub.repr2(data)) np.array([[ 0.2, 42. , 5. ], [21.2, 3. , 0.4]], dtype=np.float64) >>> print(ub.repr2(data, with_dtype=False)) np.array([[ 0.2, 42. , 5. ], [21.2, 3. , 0.4]]) >>> print(ub.repr2(data, strvals=True)) [[ 0.2, 42. , 5. ], [21.2, 3. , 0.4]] >>> data = np.empty((0, 10), dtype=np.float64) >>> print(ub.repr2(data, strvals=False)) np.empty((0, 10), dtype=np.float64) >>> print(ub.repr2(data, strvals=True)) [] >>> data =, 10), dtype=np.float64) >>> print(ub.repr2(data, strvals=False)), 10), dtype=np.float64) """ @self.register(np.ndarray) def format_ndarray(data, **kwargs): strvals = kwargs.get('strvals', False) itemsep = kwargs.get('itemsep', ' ') precision = kwargs.get('precision', None) suppress_small = kwargs.get('supress_small', None) max_line_width = kwargs.get('max_line_width', None) with_dtype = kwargs.get('with_dtype', not strvals) newlines = kwargs.pop('nl', kwargs.pop('newlines', 1)) # if with_dtype and strvals: # raise ValueError('cannot format with strvals and dtype') separator = ',' + itemsep if strvals: prefix = '' suffix = '' else: modname = type(data).__module__ # substitute shorthand for numpy module names np_nice = 'np' modname = re.sub('\\bnumpy\\b', np_nice, modname) modname = re.sub('\\bma.core\\b', 'ma', modname) class_name = type(data).__name__ if class_name == 'ndarray': class_name = 'array' prefix = modname + '.' + class_name + '(' if with_dtype: dtype_repr = # dtype_repr = np.core.arrayprint.dtype_short_repr(data.dtype) suffix = ',{}dtype={}.{})'.format(itemsep, np_nice, dtype_repr) else: suffix = ')' if not strvals and data.size == 0 and data.shape != (0,): # Special case for displaying empty data prefix = modname + '.empty(' body = repr(tuple(map(int, data.shape))) else: body = np.array2string(data, precision=precision, separator=separator, suppress_small=suppress_small, prefix=prefix, max_line_width=max_line_width) if not newlines: # remove newlines if we need to body = re.sub('\n *', '', body) formatted = prefix + body + suffix return formatted # Hack, make sure we also register numpy floats self.register(np.float32)(self.func_registry[float]) def _register_builtin_extensions(self): @self.register(float) def format_float(data, **kwargs): precision = kwargs.get('precision', None) if precision is None: return six.text_type(data) else: return ('{:.%df}' % precision).format(data) @self.register(slice) def format_slice(data, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('itemsep', ' ') == '': return 'slice(%r,%r,%r)' % (data.start, data.stop, data.step) else: return _format_object(data, **kwargs) _FORMATTER_EXTENSIONS = _FormatterExtensions() _FORMATTER_EXTENSIONS._register_builtin_extensions() try: import numpy as np _FORMATTER_EXTENSIONS._register_numpy_extensions() # TODO: register pandas by default if available except ImportError: # nocover pass def _format_object(val, **kwargs): stritems = kwargs.get('si', kwargs.get('stritems', False)) strvals = stritems or kwargs.get('sv', kwargs.get('strvals', False)) base_valfunc = six.text_type if strvals else repr itemstr = base_valfunc(val) # Remove unicode repr from python2 to agree with python3 output if six.PY2 and isinstance(val, six.string_types): # nocover if itemstr.startswith(("u'", 'u"')): itemstr = itemstr[1:] return itemstr def _format_list(list_, **kwargs): r""" Makes a pretty printable / human-readable string representation of a sequence. In most cases this string could be evaled. Args: list_ (list): input list **kwargs: nl, newlines, packed, nobr, nobraces, itemsep, trailing_sep, strvals indent_, precision, use_numpy, with_dtype, force_dtype, stritems, strkeys, align, explicit, sort, key_order, maxlen Returns: str: retstr Example: >>> print(_format_list([])) [] >>> print(_format_list([], nobr=True)) [] >>> print(_format_list([1], nl=0)) [1] >>> print(_format_list([1], nobr=True)) 1, """ newlines = kwargs.pop('nl', kwargs.pop('newlines', 1)) kwargs['nl'] = _rectify_countdown_or_bool(newlines) nobraces = kwargs.pop('nobr', kwargs.pop('nobraces', False)) itemsep = kwargs.get('itemsep', ' ') # Doesn't actually put in trailing comma if on same line compact_brace = kwargs.get('cbr', kwargs.get('compact_brace', False)) itemstrs = _list_itemstrs(list_, **kwargs) if len(itemstrs) == 0: nobraces = False # force braces to prevent empty output is_tuple = isinstance(list_, tuple) is_set = isinstance(list_, (set, frozenset,)) if nobraces: lbr, rbr = '', '' elif is_tuple: lbr, rbr = '(', ')' elif is_set: lbr, rbr = '{', '}' else: lbr, rbr = '[', ']' trailing_sep = kwargs.get('trailsep', kwargs.get('trailing_sep', newlines > 0 and len(itemstrs))) # The trailing separator is always needed for single item tuples if is_tuple and len(list_) <= 1: trailing_sep = True if len(itemstrs) == 0: newlines = False retstr = _join_itemstrs(itemstrs, itemsep, newlines, nobraces, trailing_sep, compact_brace, lbr, rbr) return retstr def _format_dict(dict_, **kwargs): r""" Makes a pretty printable / human-readable string representation of a dictionary. In most cases this string could be evaled. Args: dict_ (dict_): a dictionary **kwargs: si, stritems, strkeys, strvals, sk, sv, nl, newlines, nobr, nobraces, cbr, compact_brace, trailing_sep, explicit, itemsep, precision, kvsep, sort Kwargs: sort (None): if True, sorts ALL collectsions and subcollections, note, collections with undefined orders (e.g. dicts, sets) are sorted by default. (default = None) nl (int): prefered alias for newline. can be a countdown variable (default = None) explicit (int): can be a countdown variable. if True, uses dict(a=b) syntax instead of {'a': b} nobr (bool): removes outer braces (default = False) """ stritems = kwargs.pop('si', kwargs.pop('stritems', False)) if stritems: kwargs['strkeys'] = True kwargs['strvals'] = True kwargs['strkeys'] = kwargs.pop('sk', kwargs.pop('strkeys', False)) kwargs['strvals'] = kwargs.pop('sv', kwargs.pop('strvals', False)) newlines = kwargs.pop('nl', kwargs.pop('newlines', True)) kwargs['nl'] = _rectify_countdown_or_bool(newlines) nobraces = kwargs.pop('nobr', kwargs.pop('nobraces', False)) # Doesn't actually put in trailing comma if on same line compact_brace = kwargs.get('cbr', kwargs.get('compact_brace', False)) trailing_sep = kwargs.get('trailsep', kwargs.get('trailing_sep', newlines > 0)) explicit = kwargs.get('explicit', False) itemsep = kwargs.get('itemsep', ' ') if len(dict_) == 0: return 'dict()' if explicit else '{}' itemstrs = _dict_itemstrs(dict_, **kwargs) if nobraces: lbr, rbr = '', '' elif explicit: lbr, rbr = 'dict(', ')' else: lbr, rbr = '{', '}' retstr = _join_itemstrs(itemstrs, itemsep, newlines, nobraces, trailing_sep, compact_brace, lbr, rbr) return retstr def _join_itemstrs(itemstrs, itemsep, newlines, nobraces, trailing_sep, compact_brace, lbr, rbr): """ Joins stringified items with separators newlines and container-braces. """ import ubelt as ub if newlines > 0: sep = ',\n' if nobraces: body_str = sep.join(itemstrs) if trailing_sep and len(itemstrs) > 0: body_str += ',' retstr = body_str else: if compact_brace: # Why must we modify the indentation below and not here? # prefix = '' # rest = [ub.indent(s, prefix) for s in itemstrs[1:]] # indented = itemstrs[0:1] + rest indented = itemstrs else: prefix = ' ' * 4 indented = [ub.indent(s, prefix) for s in itemstrs] body_str = sep.join(indented) if trailing_sep and len(itemstrs) > 0: body_str += ',' if compact_brace: # Why can we modify the indentation here but not above? braced_body_str = (lbr + body_str.replace('\n', '\n ') + rbr) else: braced_body_str = (lbr + '\n' + body_str + '\n' + rbr) retstr = braced_body_str else: sep = ',' + itemsep body_str = sep.join(itemstrs) if trailing_sep and len(itemstrs) > 0: body_str += ',' retstr = (lbr + body_str + rbr) return retstr def _dict_itemstrs(dict_, **kwargs): """ Create a string representation for each item in a dict. Example: >>> from ubelt.util_format import * >>> dict_ = {'b': .1, 'l': 'st', 'g': 1.0, 's': 10, 'm': 0.9, 'w': .5} >>> kwargs = {'strkeys': True} >>> itemstrs = _dict_itemstrs(dict_, **kwargs) >>> char_order = [p[0] for p in itemstrs] >>> assert char_order == ['b', 'g', 'l', 'm', 's', 'w'] """ import ubelt as ub explicit = kwargs.get('explicit', False) kwargs['explicit'] = _rectify_countdown_or_bool(explicit) precision = kwargs.get('precision', None) kvsep = kwargs.get('kvsep', ': ') if explicit: kvsep = '=' def make_item_str(key, val): if explicit or kwargs.get('strkeys', False): key_str = six.text_type(key) else: key_str = repr2(key, precision=precision) prefix = key_str + kvsep val_str = repr2(val, **kwargs) # If the first line does not end with an open nest char # (e.g. for ndarrays), otherwise we need to worry about # residual indentation. pos = val_str.find('\n') first_line = val_str if pos == -1 else val_str[:pos] compact_brace = kwargs.get('cbr', kwargs.get('compact_brace', False)) if compact_brace or not first_line.rstrip().endswith(tuple('([{<')): rest = '' if pos == -1 else val_str[pos:] val_str = first_line.lstrip() + rest # Fix issue with tuple keys (keys that span new lines) if '\n' not in prefix: item_str = ub.hzcat([prefix, val_str]) else: item_str = prefix + val_str else: item_str = prefix + val_str return item_str items = list(six.iteritems(dict_)) itemstrs = [make_item_str(key, val) for (key, val) in items] sort = kwargs.get('sort', None) if sort is None: # Force ordering on unordered dicts sort = True if isinstance(dict_, collections.OrderedDict): # never sort ordered dicts; they are perfect just the way they are! sort = False if sort: itemstrs = _sort_itemstrs(items, itemstrs) return itemstrs def _list_itemstrs(list_, **kwargs): """ Create a string representation for each item in a list. """ items = list(list_) itemstrs = [repr2(item, **kwargs) for item in items] sort = kwargs.get('sort', None) if sort is None: # Force orderings on sets. sort = isinstance(list_, (set, frozenset)) if sort: itemstrs = _sort_itemstrs(items, itemstrs) return itemstrs def _sort_itemstrs(items, itemstrs): """ Equivalent to `sorted(items)` except if `items` are unorderable, then string values are used to define an ordering. """ # First try to sort items by their normal values # If that doesnt work, then sort by their string values import ubelt as ub try: # Set ordering is not unique. Sort by strings values instead. if _peek_isinstance(items, (set, frozenset)): raise TypeError sortx = ub.argsort(items) except TypeError: sortx = ub.argsort(itemstrs) itemstrs = list(ub.take(itemstrs, sortx)) return itemstrs def _peek_isinstance(items, types): return len(items) > 0 and isinstance(items[0], types) def _rectify_countdown_or_bool(count_or_bool): """ used by recrusive functions to specify which level to turn a bool on in counting down yeilds True, True, ..., False conting up yeilds False, False, False, ... True Args: count_or_bool (bool or int): if positive will count down, if negative will count up, if bool will remain same Returns: int or bool: count_or_bool_ CommandLine: python -m utool.util_str --test-_rectify_countdown_or_bool Example: >>> from ubelt.util_format import _rectify_countdown_or_bool # NOQA >>> count_or_bool = True >>> a1 = (_rectify_countdown_or_bool(2)) >>> a2 = (_rectify_countdown_or_bool(1)) >>> a3 = (_rectify_countdown_or_bool(0)) >>> a4 = (_rectify_countdown_or_bool(-1)) >>> a5 = (_rectify_countdown_or_bool(-2)) >>> a6 = (_rectify_countdown_or_bool(True)) >>> a7 = (_rectify_countdown_or_bool(False)) >>> a8 = (_rectify_countdown_or_bool(None)) >>> result = [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8] >>> print(result) [1, 0, 0, 0, -1, True, False, False] """ if count_or_bool is True or count_or_bool is False: count_or_bool_ = count_or_bool elif isinstance(count_or_bool, int): if count_or_bool == 0: return 0 sign_ = math.copysign(1, count_or_bool) count_or_bool_ = int(count_or_bool - sign_) else: count_or_bool_ = False return count_or_bool_ if __name__ == '__main__': r""" CommandLine: python -m ubelt.util_format """ import xdoctest as xdoc xdoc.doctest_module()