Source code for ubelt.util_memoize

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import functools
import sys
from ubelt import util_hash

def _hashable(item):
    Returns the item if it is naturally hashable, otherwise it tries to use
    ub.hash_data to make it hashable. Errors if it cannot.
    except TypeError:
        return util_hash.hash_data(item)
        return item

def _make_signature_key(args, kwargs):
    Transforms function args into a key that can be used by the cache

        python -m ubelt.util_decor _make_signature_key

        >>> args = (4, [1, 2])
        >>> kwargs = {'a': 'b'}
        >>> key = _make_signature_key(args, kwargs)
        >>> print('key = {!r}'.format(key))
        >>> # Some mutable types cannot be handled by ub.hash_data
        >>> import pytest
        >>> import six
        >>> if six.PY2:
        >>>     import collections as abc
        >>> else:
        >>>     from collections import abc
        >>> with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        >>>     _make_signature_key((4, [1, 2], {1: 2, 'a': 'b'}), kwargs={})
        >>> class Dummy(abc.MutableSet):
        >>>     def __contains__(self, item): return None
        >>>     def __iter__(self): return iter([])
        >>>     def __len__(self): return 0
        >>>     def add(self, item, loc): return None
        >>>     def discard(self, item): return None
        >>> with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        >>>     _make_signature_key((Dummy(),), kwargs={})
    kwitems = kwargs.items()
    # TODO: we should check if Python is at least 3.7 and sort by kwargs
    # keys otherwise. Should we use hash_data for key generation
    if (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) < (3, 7):  # nocover
        # We can sort because they keys are gaurenteed to be strings
        kwitems = sorted(kwitems)
    kwitems = tuple(kwitems)

        key = _hashable(args), _hashable(kwitems)
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError('Signature is not hashable: args={} kwargs{}'.format(args, kwargs))
    return key

[docs]def memoize(func): """ memoization decorator that respects args and kwargs References: Args: func (function): live python function Returns: func: memoized wrapper CommandLine: python -m ubelt.util_decor memoize Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> closure = {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'} >>> incr = [0] >>> def foo(key): >>> value = closure[key] >>> incr[0] += 1 >>> return value >>> foo_memo = ub.memoize(foo) >>> assert foo('a') == 'b' and foo('c') == 'd' >>> assert incr[0] == 2 >>> print('Call memoized version') >>> assert foo_memo('a') == 'b' and foo_memo('c') == 'd' >>> assert incr[0] == 4 >>> assert foo_memo('a') == 'b' and foo_memo('c') == 'd' >>> print('Counter should no longer increase') >>> assert incr[0] == 4 >>> print('Closure changes result without memoization') >>> closure = {'a': 0, 'c': 1} >>> assert foo('a') == 0 and foo('c') == 1 >>> assert incr[0] == 6 >>> assert foo_memo('a') == 'b' and foo_memo('c') == 'd' """ cache = {} @functools.wraps(func) def memoizer(*args, **kwargs): key = _make_signature_key(args, kwargs) if key not in cache: cache[key] = func(*args, **kwargs) return cache[key] memoizer.cache = cache return memoizer
[docs]class memoize_method(object): """ memoization decorator for a method that respects args and kwargs References: Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> closure = {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'} >>> incr = [0] >>> class Foo(object): >>> @memoize_method >>> def foo_memo(self, key): >>> value = closure[key] >>> incr[0] += 1 >>> return value >>> def foo(self, key): >>> value = closure[key] >>> incr[0] += 1 >>> return value >>> self = Foo() >>> assert'a') == 'b' and'c') == 'd' >>> assert incr[0] == 2 >>> print('Call memoized version') >>> assert self.foo_memo('a') == 'b' and self.foo_memo('c') == 'd' >>> assert incr[0] == 4 >>> assert self.foo_memo('a') == 'b' and self.foo_memo('c') == 'd' >>> print('Counter should no longer increase') >>> assert incr[0] == 4 >>> print('Closure changes result without memoization') >>> closure = {'a': 0, 'c': 1} >>> assert'a') == 0 and'c') == 1 >>> assert incr[0] == 6 >>> assert self.foo_memo('a') == 'b' and self.foo_memo('c') == 'd' >>> print('Constructing a new object should get a new cache') >>> self2 = Foo() >>> self2.foo_memo('a') >>> assert incr[0] == 7 >>> self2.foo_memo('a') >>> assert incr[0] == 7 """ def __init__(self, func): self._func = func self._cache_name = '_cache__' + func.__name__ def __get__(self, instance, cls=None): """ Descriptor get method. Called when the decorated method is accessed from an object instance. Args: instance (object): the instance of the class with the memoized method cls (type): the type of the instance """ self._instance = instance return self def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The wrapped function call """ cache = self._instance.__dict__.setdefault(self._cache_name, {}) key = _make_signature_key(args, kwargs) if key in cache: return cache[key] else: value = cache[key] = self._func(self._instance, *args, **kwargs) return value
if __name__ == '__main__': r""" CommandLine: python -m ubelt.util_decor all """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)