ubelt.util_indexable module

The util_indexable module defines IndexableWalker which is a powerful way to iterate through nested Python containers.

class ubelt.util_indexable.IndexableWalker(data, dict_cls=(<class 'dict'>, ), list_cls=(<class 'list'>, <class 'tuple'>))[source]

Bases: collections.abc.Generator

Traverses through a nested tree-liked indexable structure.

Generates a path and value to each node in the structure. The path is a list of indexes which if applied in order will reach the value.

The __setitem__ method can be used to modify a nested value based on the path returned by the generator.

When generating values, you can use “send” to prevent traversal of a particular branch.



>>> # Given Nested Data
>>> data = {
>>>     'foo': {'bar': 1},
>>>     'baz': [{'biz': 3}, {'buz': [4, 5, 6]}],
>>> }
>>> # Create an IndexableWalker
>>> walker = IndexableWalker(data)
>>> # We iterate over the data as if it was flat
>>> # ignore the <want> string due to order issues on older Pythons
>>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WANT
>>> for path, val in walker:
>>>     print(path)
['baz', 0]
['baz', 1]
['baz', 1, 'buz']
['baz', 1, 'buz', 0]
['baz', 1, 'buz', 1]
['baz', 1, 'buz', 2]
['baz', 0, 'biz']
['foo', 'bar']
>>> # We can use "paths" as keys to getitem into the walker
>>> path = ['baz', 1, 'buz', 2]
>>> val = walker[path]
>>> assert val == 6
>>> # We can use "paths" as keys to setitem into the walker
>>> assert data['baz'][1]['buz'][2] == 6
>>> walker[path] = 7
>>> assert data['baz'][1]['buz'][2] == 7
>>> # We can use "paths" as keys to delitem into the walker
>>> assert data['baz'][1]['buz'][1] == 5
>>> del walker[['baz', 1, 'buz', 1]]
>>> assert data['baz'][1]['buz'][1] == 7


>>> # Create nested data
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:numpy)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> data = ub.ddict(lambda: int)
>>> data['foo'] = ub.ddict(lambda: int)
>>> data['bar'] = np.array([1, 2, 3])
>>> data['foo']['a'] = 1
>>> data['foo']['b'] = np.array([1, 2, 3])
>>> data['foo']['c'] = [1, 2, 3]
>>> data['baz'] = 3
>>> print('data = {}'.format(ub.repr2(data, nl=True)))
>>> # We can walk through every node in the nested tree
>>> walker = IndexableWalker(data)
>>> for path, value in walker:
>>>     print('walk path = {}'.format(ub.repr2(path, nl=0)))
>>>     if path[-1] == 'c':
>>>         # Use send to prevent traversing this branch
>>>         got = walker.send(False)
>>>         # We can modify the value based on the returned path
>>>         walker[path] = 'changed the value of c'
>>> print('data = {}'.format(ub.repr2(data, nl=True)))
>>> assert data['foo']['c'] == 'changed the value of c'


>>> # Test sending false for every data item
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(CPython)
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:numpy)
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = {1: 1}
>>> walker = IndexableWalker(data)
>>> for path, value in walker:
>>>     print('walk path = {}'.format(ub.repr2(path, nl=0)))
>>>     walker.send(False)
>>> data = {}
>>> walker = IndexableWalker(data)
>>> for path, value in walker:
>>>     walker.send(False)
send(arg) send 'arg' into generator,[source]

return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.

throw(typ[, val[, tb]]) raise exception in generator,[source]

return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.

ubelt.util_indexable.indexable_allclose(dct1, dct2, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0, return_info=False)[source]

Walks through two nested data structures and ensures that everything is roughly the same.

  • dct1 (dict) – a nested indexable item

  • dct2 (dict) – a nested indexable item

  • rel_tol (float) – maximum difference for being considered “close”, relative to the magnitude of the input values

  • abs_tol (float) – maximum difference for being considered “close”, regardless of the magnitude of the input values

  • return_info (bool, default=False) – if true, return extra info


A boolean result if return_info is false, otherwise a tuple of the boolean result and an “info” dict containing detailed results indicating what matched and what did not.

Return type

bool | Tuple[bool, Dict]


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> dct1 = {
>>>     'foo': [1.222222, 1.333],
>>>     'bar': 1,
>>>     'baz': [],
>>> }
>>> dct2 = {
>>>     'foo': [1.22222, 1.333],
>>>     'bar': 1,
>>>     'baz': [],
>>> }
>>> flag, return_info =  ub.indexable_allclose(dct1, dct2, return_info=True)
>>> print('return_info = {}'.format(ub.repr2(return_info, nl=1)))
>>> print('flag = {!r}'.format(flag))
>>> walker1 = return_info['walker1']
>>> for p1, v1, v2  in return_info['faillist']:
>>>     v1_ = walker1[p1]
>>>     print('*fail p1, v1, v2 = {}, {}, {}'.format(p1, v1, v2))
>>> for p1 in return_info['passlist']:
>>>     v1_ = walker1[p1]
>>>     print('*pass p1, v1_ = {}, {}'.format(p1, v1_))
>>> assert not flag
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> dct1 = {
>>>     'foo': [1.0000000000000000000000001, 1.],
>>>     'bar': 1,
>>>     'baz': [],
>>> }
>>> dct2 = {
>>>     'foo': [0.9999999999999999, 1.],
>>>     'bar': 1,
>>>     'baz': [],
>>> }
>>> flag, return_info =  ub.indexable_allclose(dct1, dct2, return_info=True)
>>> print('return_info = {}'.format(ub.repr2(return_info, nl=1)))
>>> print('flag = {!r}'.format(flag))


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> flag, return_info =  ub.indexable_allclose([], [], return_info=True)
>>> print('return_info = {!r}'.format(return_info))
>>> print('flag = {!r}'.format(flag))


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> flag =  ub.indexable_allclose([], [], return_info=False)
>>> print('flag = {!r}'.format(flag))


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> flag, return_info =  ub.indexable_allclose([], [1], return_info=True)
>>> print('return_info = {!r}'.format(return_info))
>>> print('flag = {!r}'.format(flag))