ubelt.util_futures module

Introduces the Executor class that wraps the standard ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor, and the new SerialExecutor with a common interface and a backend that changes dynamically. This makes is easy to test if your code benefits from parallism, how much it benefits, and gives you the ability to disable if if you need to.


>>> # xdoctest: +SKIP
>>> # Note: while this works in IPython, this does not work when running
>>> # in xdoctest. https://github.com/Erotemic/xdoctest/issues/101
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:timerit)
>>> # Does my function benefit from parallelism?
>>> def my_function(arg1, arg2):
...     return (arg1 + arg2) * 3
>>> #
>>> def run_process(inputs, mode='serial', max_workers=0):
...     from concurrent.futures import as_completed
...     import ubelt as ub
...     # The executor interface is the same regardless of modes
...     executor = ub.Executor(mode=mode, max_workers=max_workers)
...     # submit returns a Future object
...     jobs = [executor.submit(my_function, *args) for args in inputs]
...     # future objects will contain results when they are done
...     results = [job.result() for job in as_completed(jobs)]
...     return results
>>> # The same code tests our method in serial, thread, or process mode
>>> import timerit
>>> ti = timerit.Timerit(100, bestof=10, verbose=2)
>>> # Setup test data
>>> import random
>>> rng = random.Random(0)
>>> max_workers = 4
>>> inputs = [(rng.random(), rng.random()) for _ in range(100)]
>>> for mode in ['serial', 'process', 'thread']:
>>>     for timer in ti.reset('mode={} max_workers={}'.format(mode, max_workers)):
>>>         with timer:
>>>             run_process(inputs, mode=mode, max_workers=max_workers)
>>> print(ub.repr2(ti))
class ubelt.util_futures.Executor(mode='thread', max_workers=0)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper around a specific executor.

Abstracts Serial, Thread, and Process Executor via arguments.

  • mode (str, default=’thread’) – either thread, serial, or process

  • max_workers (int, default=0) – number of workers. If 0, serial is forced.


>>> import platform
>>> import sys
>>> # The process backend breaks pyp3 when using coverage
>>> if 'pypy' in platform.python_implementation().lower():
...     import pytest
...     pytest.skip('not testing process on pypy')
>>> if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
...     import pytest
...     pytest.skip('not running this test on win32 for now')
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> # Fork before threading!
>>> # https://pybay.com/site_media/slides/raymond2017-keynote/combo.html
>>> self1 = ub.Executor(mode='serial', max_workers=0)
>>> self1.__enter__()
>>> self2 = ub.Executor(mode='process', max_workers=2)
>>> self2.__enter__()
>>> self3 = ub.Executor(mode='thread', max_workers=2)
>>> self3.__enter__()
>>> jobs = []
>>> jobs.append(self1.submit(sum, [1, 2, 3]))
>>> jobs.append(self1.submit(sum, [1, 2, 3]))
>>> jobs.append(self2.submit(sum, [10, 20, 30]))
>>> jobs.append(self2.submit(sum, [10, 20, 30]))
>>> jobs.append(self3.submit(sum, [4, 5, 5]))
>>> jobs.append(self3.submit(sum, [4, 5, 5]))
>>> for job in jobs:
>>>     result = job.result()
>>>     print('result = {!r}'.format(result))
>>> self1.__exit__(None, None, None)
>>> self2.__exit__(None, None, None)
>>> self3.__exit__(None, None, None)


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> self1 = ub.Executor(mode='serial', max_workers=0)
>>> with self1:
>>>     jobs = []
>>>     for i in range(10):
>>>         jobs.append(self1.submit(sum, [i + 1, i]))
>>>     for job in jobs:
>>>         job.add_done_callback(lambda x: print('done callback got x = {}'.format(x)))
>>>         result = job.result()
>>>         print('result = {!r}'.format(result))
submit(func, *args, **kw)[source]

Calls the submit function of the underlying backend.


a future representing the job

Return type



Calls the shutdown function of the underlying backend.

map(fn, *iterables, **kwargs)[source]

Calls the map function of the underlying backend.


xdoctest -m /home/joncrall/code/ubelt/ubelt/util_futures.py Executor.map


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> import concurrent.futures
>>> import string
>>> with ub.Executor(mode='serial') as executor:
...     result_iter = executor.map(int, string.digits)
...     results = list(result_iter)
>>> print('results = {!r}'.format(results))
results = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> with ub.Executor(mode='thread', max_workers=2) as executor:
...     result_iter = executor.map(int, string.digits)
...     results = list(result_iter)
>>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WANT
>>> print('results = {!r}'.format(results))
results = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
class ubelt.util_futures.JobPool(mode='thread', max_workers=0)[source]

Bases: object

Abstracts away boilerplate of submitting and collecting jobs

This is a basic wrapper around ubelt.util_futures.Executor that simplifies the most basic case.


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> def worker(data):
>>>     return data + 1
>>> pool = ub.JobPool('thread', max_workers=16)
>>> for data in ub.ProgIter(range(10), desc='submit jobs'):
>>>     pool.submit(worker, data)
>>> final = []
>>> for job in pool.as_completed(desc='collect jobs'):
>>>     info = job.result()
>>>     final.append(info)
>>> print('final = {!r}'.format(final))
submit(func, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Submit a job managed by the pool

  • func (Callable[…, Any]) – A callable that will take as many arguments as there are passed iterables.

  • *args – positional arguments to pass to the function

  • *kwargs – keyword arguments to pass to the function


a future representing the job

Return type


as_completed(timeout=None, desc=None, progkw=None)[source]

Generates completed jobs in an arbitrary order

  • timeout (float | None) – Specify the the maximum number of seconds to wait for a job.

  • desc (str | None) – if specified, reports progress with a ubelt.progiter.ProgIter object.

  • progkw (dict | None) – extra keyword arguments to ubelt.progiter.ProgIter.


concurrent.futures.Future – The completed future object containing the results of a job.


xdoctest -m ubelt.util_futures JobPool.as_completed


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> pool = ub.JobPool('thread', max_workers=8)
>>> text = ub.paragraph(
...     '''
...     UDP is a cool protocol, check out the wiki:
...     UDP-based Data Transfer Protocol (UDT), is a high-performance
...     data transfer protocol designed for transferring large
...     volumetric datasets over high-speed wide area networks. Such
...     settings are typically disadvantageous for the more common TCP
...     protocol.
...     ''')
>>> for word in text.split(' '):
...     pool.submit(print, word)
>>> for _ in pool.as_completed():
...     pass
>>> pool.shutdown()

Like :method:`JobPool.as_completed`, but executes the result method of each future and returns only after all processes are complete. This allows for lower-boilerplate prototyping.


**kwargs – passed to :method:`JobPool.as_completed`


list of results

Return type



>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> # We just want to try replacing our simple iterative algorithm
>>> # with the embarassingly parallel version
>>> arglist = list(zip(range(1000), range(1000)))
>>> func = ub.identity
>>> #
>>> # Original version
>>> for args in arglist:
>>>     func(*args)
>>> #
>>> # Potentially parallel version
>>> jobs = ub.JobPool(max_workers=0)
>>> for args in arglist:
>>>     jobs.submit(func, *args)
>>> _ = jobs.join(desc='running')