Source code for ubelt.util_func

Helpers for functional programming.

The :func:`identity` function simply returns its own inputs. This is useful for
bypassing print statements and many other cases. I also think it looks a little
nicer than ``lambda x: x``.

The :func:`inject_method` function "injects" another function into a class
instance as a method. This is useful for monkey patching.

[docs]def identity(arg=None, *args, **kwargs): """ The identity function. Simply returns the value of its first input. All other inputs are ignored. Defaults to None if called without args. Args: arg (Any, default=None): some value *args: ignored **kwargs: ignored Returns: Any: arg - the same value Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> ub.identity(42) 42 >>> ub.identity(42, 42) 42 >>> ub.identity() None """ return arg
[docs]def inject_method(self, func, name=None): """ Injects a function into an object instance as a bound method The main use case of this function is for monkey patching. While monkey patching is sometimes necessary it should generally be avoided. Thus, we simply remind the developer that there might be a better way. Args: self (T): Instance to inject a function into. func (Callable[..., Any]): The function to inject (must contain an arg for self). name (str, default=None): Name of the method. optional. If not specified the name of the function is used. Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> class Foo(object): >>> def bar(self): >>> return 'bar' >>> def baz(self): >>> return 'baz' >>> self = Foo() >>> assert == 'bar' >>> assert not hasattr(self, 'baz') >>> ub.inject_method(self, baz) >>> assert not hasattr(Foo, 'baz'), 'should only change one instance' >>> assert self.baz() == 'baz' >>> ub.inject_method(self, baz, 'bar') >>> assert == 'baz' """ # TODO: if func is a bound method we should probably unbind it new_method = func.__get__(self, self.__class__) if name is None: name = func.__name__ setattr(self, name, new_method)
[docs]def compatible(config, func, start=0): """ Take the subset of dict items that can be passed to function as kwargs Args: config (Dict[str, Any]): a flat configuration dictionary that contains keyword arguments that might be passed to a function. func (Callable): a function or method to check the arguments of start (int, default=0): Only take args after this position. Set to 1 if calling with an unbound method to avoid the ``self`` argument. Returns: Dict[str, Any] : a subset of ``config`` that only contains items compatible with the signature of ``func``. Example: >>> # An example use case is to select a subset of of a config >>> # that can be passed to some function as kwargs >>> import ubelt as ub >>> # Define a function with args that match some keys in a config. >>> def func(a, e, f): >>> return a * e * f >>> # Define a config that has a superset of items needed by the func >>> config = { ... 'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'c': 7, ... 'd': 11, 'e': 13, 'f': 17, ... } >>> # Call the function only with keys that are compatible >>> func(**ub.compatible(config, func)) 442 Example: >>> # Test case with kwargs >>> import ubelt as ub >>> def func(a, e, f, *args, **kwargs): >>> return a * e * f >>> config = { ... 'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'c': 7, ... 'd': 11, 'e': 13, 'f': 17, ... } >>> func(**ub.compatible(config, func)) Ignore: # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(PY3) # Test case with positional only 3.6 + import ubelt as ub def func(a, e, /, f): return a * e * f config = { 'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'c': 7, 'd': 11, 'e': 13, 'f': 17, } import pytest with pytest.raises(ValueError): func(**ub.compatible(config, func)) """ import inspect sig = inspect.signature(func) argnames = [] has_kwargs = False for arg in sig.parameters.values(): if arg.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD: has_kwargs = True elif arg.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL: # Ignore variadic positional args pass elif arg.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY: raise ValueError('this does not work with positional only') elif arg.kind in {inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY}: argnames.append( else: # nocover raise TypeError(arg.kind) if has_kwargs: # kwargs could be anything, so keep everything common = config else: common = {k: config[k] for k in argnames[start:] if k in config} # dict-isect return common