Source code for ubelt.util_mixins

This module defines the :class:`NiceRepr` mixin class, which defines a
``__repr__`` and ``__str__`` method that only depend on a custom ``__nice__``
method, which you must define. This means you only have to overload one
function instead of two.  Furthermore, if the object defines a ``__len__``
method, then the ``__nice__`` method defaults to something sensible, otherwise
it is treated as abstract and raises ``NotImplementedError``.

To use simply have your object inherit from :class:`NiceRepr`
(multi-inheritance should be ok).

    >>> # Objects that define __nice__ have a default __str__ and __repr__
    >>> import ubelt as ub
    >>> class Student(ub.NiceRepr):
    ...    def __init__(self, name):
    ... = name
    ...    def __nice__(self):
    ...        return
    >>> s1 = Student('Alice')
    >>> s2 = Student('Bob')
    >>> # The __str__ representation looks nice
    >>> print('s1 = {}'.format(s1))
    >>> print('s2 = {}'.format(s2))
    s1 = <Student(Alice)>
    s2 = <Student(Bob)>
    >>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WANT
    >>> # The __repr__ representation also looks nice
    >>> print('s1 = {!r}'.format(s1))
    >>> print('s2 = {!r}'.format(s2))
    s1 = <Student(Alice) at 0x7f2c5460aad0>
    s2 = <Student(Bob) at 0x7f2c5460ad10>

    >>> # Objects that define __len__ have a default __nice__
    >>> import ubelt as ub
    >>> class Group(ub.NiceRepr):
    ...    def __init__(self, data):
    ... = data
    ...    def __len__(self):
    ...        return len(
    >>> g = Group([1, 2, 3])
    >>> print('g = {}'.format(g))
    g = <Group(3)>

import warnings

[docs]class NiceRepr(object): """ Inherit from this class and define ``__nice__`` to "nicely" print your objects. Defines ``__str__`` and ``__repr__`` in terms of ``__nice__`` function Classes that inherit from :class:`NiceRepr` should redefine ``__nice__``. If the inheriting class has a ``__len__``, method then the default ``__nice__`` method will return its length. Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> class Foo(ub.NiceRepr): ... def __nice__(self): ... return 'info' >>> foo = Foo() >>> assert str(foo) == '<Foo(info)>' >>> assert repr(foo).startswith('<Foo(info) at ') Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> class Bar(ub.NiceRepr): ... pass >>> bar = Bar() >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning) as record: >>> assert 'object at' in str(bar) >>> assert 'object at' in repr(bar) Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> class Baz(ub.NiceRepr): ... def __len__(self): ... return 5 >>> baz = Baz() >>> assert str(baz) == '<Baz(5)>' Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> # If your nice message has a bug, it shouldn't bring down the house >>> class Foo(ub.NiceRepr): ... def __nice__(self): ... assert False >>> foo = Foo() >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning) as record: >>> print('foo = {!r}'.format(foo)) foo = <...Foo ...> """ def __nice__(self): if hasattr(self, '__len__'): # It is a common pattern for objects to use __len__ in __nice__ # As a convenience we define a default __nice__ for these objects return str(len(self)) else: # In all other cases force the subclass to overload __nice__ raise NotImplementedError( 'Define the __nice__ method for {!r}'.format(self.__class__)) def __repr__(self): try: nice = self.__nice__() classname = self.__class__.__name__ return '<{0}({1}) at {2}>'.format(classname, nice, hex(id(self))) except Exception as ex: warnings.warn(str(ex), category=RuntimeWarning) return object.__repr__(self) def __str__(self): try: classname = self.__class__.__name__ nice = self.__nice__() return '<{0}({1})>'.format(classname, nice) except Exception as ex: warnings.warn(str(ex), category=RuntimeWarning) return object.__repr__(self)