Source code for ubelt.util_platform

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The goal of this module is to provide an idiomatic cross-platform pattern of
accessing platform dependent file systems.

Standard application directory structure: cache, config, and other XDG
standards [1]_. This is similar to the more focused :mod:`appdirs` module [5]_.
In the future ubelt may directly use :mod:`appdirs`.

    Table mapping the type of directory to the system default environment
    variable.  Inspired by [2]_, [3]_, and [4]_.

.. code-block:: none

           | Linux            | Win32          |   Darwin
    data   | $XDG_DATA_HOME   | %APPDATA%      | ~/Library/Application Support
    config | $XDG_CONFIG_HOME | %APPDATA%      | ~/Library/Application Support
    cache  | $XDG_CACHE_HOME  | %LOCALAPPDATA% | ~/Library/Caches

    If an environment variable is not specified the defaults are:
        APPDATA      = ~/AppData/Roaming
        LOCALAPPDATA = ~/AppData/Local

        XDG_DATA_HOME   = ~/.local/share
        XDG_CACHE_HOME  = ~/.cache
        XDG_CONFIG_HOME = ~/.config

    .. [1]
    .. [2]
    .. [3]
    .. [4]
    .. [5]
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import sys
import six
import itertools as it
from os.path import exists, join, isdir, expanduser, normpath

# References:
WIN32  = sys.platform == 'win32'
LINUX  = sys.platform.startswith('linux')
DARWIN = sys.platform == 'darwin'
POSIX = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names

[docs]def platform_data_dir(): """ Returns path for user-specific data files Returns: str : path to the data dir used by the current operating system """ if LINUX: # nocover dpath_ = os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME', '~/.local/share') elif DARWIN: # nocover dpath_ = '~/Library/Application Support' elif WIN32: # nocover dpath_ = os.environ.get('APPDATA', '~/AppData/Roaming') else: # nocover raise NotImplementedError('Unknown Platform %r' % (sys.platform,)) dpath = normpath(expanduser(dpath_)) return dpath
[docs]def platform_config_dir(): """ Returns a directory which should be writable for any application This should be used for persistent configuration files. Returns: str : path to the cahce dir used by the current operating system """ if LINUX: # nocover dpath_ = os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', '~/.config') elif DARWIN: # nocover dpath_ = '~/Library/Application Support' elif WIN32: # nocover dpath_ = os.environ.get('APPDATA', '~/AppData/Roaming') else: # nocover raise NotImplementedError('Unknown Platform %r' % (sys.platform,)) dpath = normpath(expanduser(dpath_)) return dpath
[docs]def platform_cache_dir(): """ Returns a directory which should be writable for any application This should be used for temporary deletable data. Returns: str : path to the cache dir used by the current operating system """ if LINUX: # nocover dpath_ = os.environ.get('XDG_CACHE_HOME', '~/.cache') elif DARWIN: # nocover dpath_ = '~/Library/Caches' elif WIN32: # nocover dpath_ = os.environ.get('LOCALAPPDATA', '~/AppData/Local') else: # nocover raise NotImplementedError('Unknown Platform %r' % (sys.platform,)) dpath = normpath(expanduser(dpath_)) return dpath
# ---
[docs]def get_app_data_dir(appname, *args): r""" Returns a writable directory for an application. This should be used for temporary deletable data. Args: appname (str): the name of the application *args: any other subdirectories may be specified Returns: str : dpath - writable data directory for this application SeeAlso: :func:`ensure_app_data_dir` """ dpath = join(platform_data_dir(), appname, *args) return dpath
[docs]def ensure_app_data_dir(appname, *args): """ Calls :func:`get_app_data_dir` but ensures the directory exists. Args: appname (str): the name of the application *args: any other subdirectories may be specified Returns: str: the path to the ensured directory SeeAlso: :func:`get_app_data_dir` Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dpath = ub.ensure_app_data_dir('ubelt') >>> assert exists(dpath) """ from ubelt import util_path dpath = get_app_data_dir(appname, *args) util_path.ensuredir(dpath) return dpath
[docs]def get_app_config_dir(appname, *args): r""" Returns a writable directory for an application This should be used for persistent configuration files. Args: appname (str): the name of the application *args: any other subdirectories may be specified Returns: str : dpath - writable config directory for this application SeeAlso: :func:`ensure_app_config_dir` """ dpath = join(platform_config_dir(), appname, *args) return dpath
[docs]def ensure_app_config_dir(appname, *args): """ Calls :func:`get_app_config_dir` but ensures the directory exists. Args: appname (str): the name of the application *args: any other subdirectories may be specified Returns: str: the path to the ensured directory SeeAlso: :func:`get_app_config_dir` Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dpath = ub.ensure_app_config_dir('ubelt') >>> assert exists(dpath) """ from ubelt import util_path dpath = get_app_config_dir(appname, *args) util_path.ensuredir(dpath) return dpath
[docs]def get_app_cache_dir(appname, *args): r""" Returns a writable directory for an application. This should be used for temporary deletable data. Args: appname (str): the name of the application *args: any other subdirectories may be specified Returns: str: the path to the ensured directory Returns: str : dpath - writable cache directory for this application SeeAlso: :func:`ensure_app_cache_dir` """ dpath = join(platform_cache_dir(), appname, *args) return dpath
[docs]def ensure_app_cache_dir(appname, *args): """ Calls :func:`get_app_cache_dir` but ensures the directory exists. Args: appname (str): the name of the application *args: any other subdirectories may be specified Returns: str: the path to the ensured directory SeeAlso: :func:`get_app_cache_dir` Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('ubelt') >>> assert exists(dpath) """ from ubelt import util_path dpath = get_app_cache_dir(appname, *args) util_path.ensuredir(dpath) return dpath
[docs]def find_exe(name, multi=False, path=None): """ Locate a command. Search your local filesystem for an executable and return the first matching file with executable permission. Args: name (str | PathLike): globstr of matching filename multi (bool, default=False): if True return all matches instead of just the first. path (str | PathLike | Iterable[str | PathLike], default=None): overrides the system PATH variable. Returns: str | List[str] | None: returns matching executable(s). SeeAlso: :func:`shutil.which` - which is available in Python 3.3+. Notes: This is essentially the ``which`` UNIX command References: Example: >>> find_exe('ls') >>> find_exe('ping') >>> assert find_exe('which') == find_exe(find_exe('which')) >>> find_exe('which', multi=True) >>> find_exe('ping', multi=True) >>> find_exe('cmake', multi=True) >>> find_exe('nvcc', multi=True) >>> find_exe('noexist', multi=True) Example: >>> assert not find_exe('noexist', multi=False) >>> assert find_exe('ping', multi=False) >>> assert not find_exe('noexist', multi=True) >>> assert find_exe('ping', multi=True) Benchmark: >>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WANT >>> import ubelt as ub >>> import shutil >>> for timer in ub.Timerit(100, bestof=10, label='ub.find_exe'): >>> ub.find_exe('which') >>> for timer in ub.Timerit(100, bestof=10, label='shutil.which'): >>> shutil.which('which') Timed best=58.71 µs, mean=59.64 ± 0.96 µs for ub.find_exe Timed best=72.75 µs, mean=73.07 ± 0.22 µs for shutil.which """ candidates = find_path(name, path=path, exact=True) mode = os.X_OK | os.F_OK results = (fpath for fpath in candidates if os.access(fpath, mode) and not isdir(fpath)) if not multi: for fpath in results: return fpath else: return list(results)
[docs]def find_path(name, path=None, exact=False): """ Search for a file or directory on your local filesystem by name (file must be in a directory specified in a PATH environment variable) Args: fname (str | PathLike): file name to match. If exact is False this may be a glob pattern path (str | Iterable[str | PathLike], default=None): list of directories to search either specified as an ``os.pathsep`` separated string or a list of directories. Defaults to environment PATH. exact (bool, default=False): if True, only returns exact matches. Yields: str: candidate - a path that matches ``name`` Notes: Running with ``name=''`` (i.e. ``ub.find_path('')``) will simply yield all directories in your PATH. Notes: For recursive behavior set ``path=(d for d, _, _ in os.walk('.'))``, where '.' might be replaced by the root directory of interest. Example: >>> list(find_path('ping', exact=True)) >>> list(find_path('bin')) >>> list(find_path('bin')) >>> list(find_path('*cc*')) >>> list(find_path('cmake*')) Example: >>> import ubelt as ub >>> from os.path import dirname >>> path = dirname(dirname(ub.util_platform.__file__)) >>> res = sorted(find_path('ubelt/util_*.py', path=path)) >>> assert len(res) >= 10 >>> res = sorted(find_path('ubelt/', path=path, exact=True)) >>> print(res) >>> assert len(res) == 1 """ if path is None: path = os.environ.get('PATH', os.defpath) if isinstance(path, six.string_types): dpaths = path.split(os.pathsep) else: dpaths = path candidates = (join(dpath, name) for dpath in dpaths) if exact: if WIN32: # nocover # on WIN32 allow ``name`` to omit the extension suffix by trying # to match with all possible "valid" suffixes specified by PATHEXT pathext = [''] + os.environ.get('PATHEXT', '').split(os.pathsep) candidates = (p + ext for p in candidates for ext in pathext) candidates = filter(exists, candidates) else: import glob candidates = it.chain.from_iterable( glob.glob(pattern) for pattern in candidates) for candidate in candidates: yield candidate