ubelt.util_arg module

Simple ways to interact with the commandline without defining a full blown CLI. These are usually used for developer hacks. Any real interface should probably be defined using argparse, click, or scriptconfig. Be sure to ignore unknown arguments if you use them in conjunction with these functions.

The argflag() function checks if a boolean --flag style CLI argument exists on the command line.

The argval() function returns the value of a --key=value style CLI argument.

ubelt.util_arg.argval(key, default=NoParam, argv=None)[source]

Get the value of a keyword argument specified on the command line.

Values can be specified as <key> <value> or <key>=<value>

The use-case for this function is to add hidden command line feature where a developer can pass in a special value. This can be used to prototype a command line interface, provide an easter egg, or add some other command line parsing that wont be exposed in CLI help docs.

  • key (str | Tuple[str, …]) – string or tuple of strings. Each key should be prefixed with two hyphens (i.e. --)

  • default (T | NoParamType, default=NoParam) – a value to return if not specified.

  • argv (List[str] | None, default=None) – uses sys.argv if unspecified


value - the value specified after the key. It they key is specified multiple times, then the first value is returned.

Return type

str | T


  • [x] Can we handle the case where the value is a list of long paths? - No

  • [ ] Should we default the first or last specified instance of the flag.


xdoctest -m ubelt.util_arg argval:0
xdoctest -m ubelt.util_arg argval:0 --devval
xdoctest -m ubelt.util_arg argval:0 --devval=1
xdoctest -m ubelt.util_arg argval:0 --devval=2
xdoctest -m ubelt.util_arg argval:0 --devval 3
xdoctest -m ubelt.util_arg argval:0 --devval "4 5 6"


>>> # Everyday usage of this function might look like this where
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> # grab a key/value pair if is given on the command line
>>> value = ub.argval('--devval', default='1')
>>> print('Checking if the hidden CLI key/value pair is given')
>>> if value != '1':
>>>     print(ub.color_text(
>>>         'A hidden developer secret: {!r}'.format(value), 'yellow'))
>>> print('Pass the hidden CLI key/value pair to see a secret message')


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> argv = ['--ans', '42', '--quest=the grail', '--ans=6', '--bad']
>>> assert ub.argval('--spam', argv=argv) == ub.NoParam
>>> assert ub.argval('--quest', argv=argv) == 'the grail'
>>> assert ub.argval('--ans', argv=argv) == '42'
>>> assert ub.argval('--bad', argv=argv) == ub.NoParam
>>> assert ub.argval(('--bad', '--bar'), argv=argv) == ub.NoParam


>>> # Test fix for GH Issue #41
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> argv = ['--path=/path/with/k=3']
>>> ub.argval('--path', argv=argv) == '/path/with/k=3'
ubelt.util_arg.argflag(key, argv=None)[source]

Determines if a key is specified on the command line.

This is a functional alternative to key in sys.argv, but it also allows for multiple aliases of the same flag to be specified.

  • key (str | Tuple[str, …]) – string or tuple of strings. Each key should be prefixed with two hyphens (i.e. --).

  • argv (List[str] | None, default=None) – overrides sys.argv if specified


flag - True if the key (or any of the keys) was specified

Return type



xdoctest -m ubelt.util_arg argflag:0
xdoctest -m ubelt.util_arg argflag:0 --devflag
xdoctest -m ubelt.util_arg argflag:0 -df
xdoctest -m ubelt.util_arg argflag:0 --devflag2
xdoctest -m ubelt.util_arg argflag:0 -df2


>>> # Everyday usage of this function might look like this
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> # Check if either of these strings are in sys.argv
>>> flag = ub.argflag(('-df', '--devflag'))
>>> if flag:
>>>     print(ub.color_text(
>>>         'A hidden developer flag was given!', 'blue'))
>>> print('Pass the hidden CLI flag to see a secret message')


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> argv = ['--spam', '--eggs', 'foo']
>>> assert ub.argflag('--eggs', argv=argv) is True
>>> assert ub.argflag('--ans', argv=argv) is False
>>> assert ub.argflag('foo', argv=argv) is True
>>> assert ub.argflag(('bar', '--spam'), argv=argv) is True