ubelt.util_func module

Helpers for functional programming.

The identity() function simply returns its own inputs. This is useful for bypassing print statements and many other cases. I also think it looks a little nicer than lambda x: x.

The inject_method() function “injects” another function into a class instance as a method. This is useful for monkey patching.

The compatible() introspects a functions signature for accepted keyword arguments and returns the subset of a configuration dictionary that agrees with that signature.

ubelt.util_func.identity(arg=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Return the value of the first argument unchanged.

All other positional and keyword inputs are ignored. Defaults to None if called without any args.

The name identity is used in the mathematical sense [WikiIdentity]. This is slightly different than the pure identity function, which is defined strictly with a single argument. This implementation allows but ignores extra arguments, making it easier to use as a drop in replacement for functions that accept extra configuration arguments that change their behavior and aren’t true inputs.

The value of this utility is a cleaner way to write lambda x: x or more precisely lambda x=None, *a, **k: x or writing the function inline. Unlike the lambda variant, this does not trigger common linter errors when assigning it to a value.

  • arg (Any | None, default=None) – The value to return unchanged.

  • *args – Ignored

  • **kwargs – Ignored


arg - The same value of the first positional argument.

Return type






>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> ub.identity(42)
>>> ub.identity(42, 43)
>>> ub.identity()
ubelt.util_func.inject_method(self, func, name=None)[source]

Injects a function into an object instance as a bound method

The main use case of this function is for monkey patching. While monkey patching is sometimes necessary it should generally be avoided. Thus, we simply remind the developer that there might be a better way.

  • self (T) – Instance to inject a function into.

  • func (Callable[…, Any]) – The function to inject (must contain an arg for self).

  • name (str | None, default=None) – Name of the method. optional. If not specified the name of the function is used.


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> class Foo(object):
>>>     def bar(self):
>>>         return 'bar'
>>> def baz(self):
>>>     return 'baz'
>>> self = Foo()
>>> assert self.bar() == 'bar'
>>> assert not hasattr(self, 'baz')
>>> ub.inject_method(self, baz)
>>> assert not hasattr(Foo, 'baz'), 'should only change one instance'
>>> assert self.baz() == 'baz'
>>> ub.inject_method(self, baz, 'bar')
>>> assert self.bar() == 'baz'
ubelt.util_func.compatible(config, func, start=0, keywords=True)[source]

Take the “compatible” subset of a dictionary that a function will accept as keyword arguments.

A common pattern is to track the configuration of a program in a single dictionary. Often there will be functions that only require subsets of this dictionary, and they will be written such that those items are passed via keyword arguments. The ubelt.compatible() utility makes it easier select only the relevant config variables. It does this by inspecting the signature of the function to determine what keyword arguments it accepts, and returns the dictionary intersection of the full config and the allowed keywords. The user can then call the function with the normal ** mechanism.

  • config (Dict[str, Any]) – A dictionary that contains keyword arguments that might be passed to a function.

  • func (Callable) – A function or method to check the arguments of

  • start (int) – Only take args after this position. Set to 1 if calling with an unbound method to avoid the self argument. Defaults to 0.

  • keywords (bool | Iterable[str]) – If True (default), and **kwargs is in the signature, prevent any filtering of the config dictionary. If False, then ignore that **kwargs is in the signature and only return the subset of config that matches the explicit signature. Otherwise if specified as a non-string iterable of strings, assume these are the allowed keys that are compatible with the way kwargs is handled in the function.


A subset of config that only contains items compatible with the signature of func.

Return type

Dict[str, Any]


>>> # An example use case is to select a subset of of a config
>>> # that can be passed to some function as kwargs
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> # Define a function with args that match some keys in a config.
>>> def func(a, e, f):
>>>     return a * e * f
>>> # Define a config that has a superset of items needed by the func
>>> config = {
...   'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'c': 7,
...   'd': 11, 'e': 13, 'f': 17,
... }
>>> # Call the function only with keys that are compatible
>>> func(**ub.compatible(config, func))


>>> # Test case with kwargs
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> def func(a, e, f, *args, **kwargs):
>>>     return a * e * f
>>> config = {
...   'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'c': 7,
...   'd': 11, 'e': 13, 'f': 17,
... }
>>> func(**ub.compatible(config, func))
>>> print(sorted(ub.compatible(config, func)))
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
>>> print(sorted(ub.compatible(config, func, keywords=False)))
['a', 'e', 'f']
>>> print(sorted(ub.compatible(config, func, keywords={'b'})))
['a', 'b', 'e', 'f']