ubelt.util_format module


This module is deprecated. Use ubelt.util_repr instead.

ubelt.util_format.repr2(data, **kwargs)[source]

Alias of ubelt.util_repr.urepr().


Deprecated for urepr


>>> # Test that repr2 remains backwards compatible
>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> dict_ = {
...     'custom_types': [slice(0, 1, None), 1/3],
...     'nest_dict': {'k1': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}],
...                   'key2': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}],
...                   'key3': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}],
...                   },
...     'nest_dict2': {'k': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}]},
...     'nested_tuples': [tuple([1]), tuple([2, 3]), frozenset([4, 5, 6])],
...     'one_tup': tuple([1]),
...     'simple_dict': {'spam': 'eggs', 'ham': 'jam'},
...     'simple_list': [1, 2, 'red', 'blue'],
...     'odict': ub.odict([(2, '1'), (1, '2')]),
... }
>>> import pytest
>>> with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
>>>     result = ub.repr2(dict_, nl=1, precision=2)
>>> print(result)
    'custom_types': [slice(0, 1, None), 0.33],
    'nest_dict': {'k1': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}], 'key2': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}], 'key3': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}]},
    'nest_dict2': {'k': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}]},
    'nested_tuples': [(1,), (2, 3), {4, 5, 6}],
    'odict': {2: '1', 1: '2'},
    'one_tup': (1,),
    'simple_dict': {'ham': 'jam', 'spam': 'eggs'},
    'simple_list': [1, 2, 'red', 'blue'],
ubelt.util_format.urepr(data, **kwargs)[source]

Makes a pretty string representation of data.

Makes a pretty and easy-to-doctest string representation. Has nice handling of common nested datatypes. This is an alternative to repr, and pprint.pformat().

This output of this function are configurable. By default it aims to produce strings that are consistent, compact, and executable. This makes them great for doctests.


This function has many keyword arguments that can be used to customize the final representation. For convenience some of the more frequently used kwargs have short aliases. See “Kwargs” for more details.


data (object) – an arbitrary python object to form the string “representation” of

si, stritems, (bool):

dict/list items use str instead of repr

strkeys, sk (bool):

dict keys use str instead of repr

strvals, sv (bool):

dict values use str instead of repr

nl, newlines (int | bool):

number of top level nestings to place a newline after. If true all items are followed by newlines regardless of nesting level. Defaults to 1 for lists and True for dicts.

nobr, nobraces (bool):

if True, text will not contain outer braces for containers. Defaults to False.

cbr, compact_brace (bool):

if True, braces are compactified (i.e. they will not have newlines placed directly after them, think java / K&R / 1TBS). Defaults to False.

trailsep, trailing_sep (bool):

if True, a separator is placed after the last item in a sequence. By default this is True if there are any nl > 0.

explicit (bool):

changes dict representation from {k1: v1, ...} to dict(k1=v1, ...). Defaults to False.


default kvsep is modified to '=' dict braces from {} to dict().

compact (bool):

Produces values more suitable for space constrianed environments Defaults to False.


default kvsep is modified to '=' default itemsep is modified to '' default nobraces is modified to 1. default newlines is modified to 0. default strkeys to True default strvals to True

precision (int | None):

if specified floats are formatted with this precision. Defaults to None

kvsep (str):

separator between keys and values. Defaults to ‘: ‘

itemsep (str):

separator between items. This separator is placed after commas, which are currently not configurable. This may be modified in the future. Defaults to ‘ ‘.

sort (bool | callable | None):

if ‘auto’, then sort unordered collections, but keep the ordering of ordered collections. This option attempts to be deterministic in most cases. Defaults to None.

if True, then ALL collections will be sorted in the returned text.

suppress_small (bool):

passed to numpy.array2string() for ndarrays

max_line_width (int):

passed to numpy.array2string() for ndarrays

with_dtype (bool):

only relevant to numpy.ndarrays. if True includes the dtype. Defaults to not strvals.

align (bool | str):

if True, will align multi-line dictionaries by the kvsep. Defaults to False.

extensions (ReprExtensions):

a custom ReprExtensions instance that can overwrite or define how different types of objects are formatted.


outstr - output string

Return type:



There are also internal kwargs, which should not be used:

_return_info (bool): return information about child context

_root_info (depth): information about parent context


rich.pretty.pretty_repr() pprint.pformat()


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> dict_ = {
...     'custom_types': [slice(0, 1, None), 1/3],
...     'nest_dict': {'k1': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}],
...                   'key2': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}],
...                   'key3': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}],
...                   },
...     'nest_dict2': {'k': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}]},
...     'nested_tuples': [tuple([1]), tuple([2, 3]), frozenset([4, 5, 6])],
...     'one_tup': tuple([1]),
...     'simple_dict': {'spam': 'eggs', 'ham': 'jam'},
...     'simple_list': [1, 2, 'red', 'blue'],
...     'odict': ub.odict([(2, '1'), (1, '2')]),
... }
>>> # In the interest of saving space we are only going to show the
>>> # output for the first example.
>>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=1, precision=2)
>>> import pytest
>>> import sys
>>> if sys.version_info[0:2] <= (3, 6):
>>>     # dictionary order is not guaranteed in 3.6 use repr2 instead
>>>     pytest.skip()
>>> print(result)
    'custom_types': [slice(0, 1, None), 0.33],
    'nest_dict': {'k1': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}], 'key2': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}], 'key3': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}]},
    'nest_dict2': {'k': [1, 2, {3: {4, 5}}]},
    'nested_tuples': [(1,), (2, 3), {4, 5, 6}],
    'one_tup': (1,),
    'simple_dict': {'spam': 'eggs', 'ham': 'jam'},
    'simple_list': [1, 2, 'red', 'blue'],
    'odict': {2: '1', 1: '2'},
>>> # You can try the rest yourself.
>>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=3, precision=2); print(result)
>>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=2, precision=2); print(result)
>>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=1, precision=2, itemsep='', explicit=True); print(result)
>>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=1, precision=2, nobr=1, itemsep='', explicit=True); print(result)
>>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=3, precision=2, cbr=True); print(result)
>>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=3, precision=2, si=True); print(result)
>>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=3, sort=True); print(result)
>>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=3, sort=False, trailing_sep=False); print(result)
>>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=3, sort=False, trailing_sep=False, nobr=True); print(result)


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> def _nest(d, w):
...     if d == 0:
...         return {}
...     else:
...         return {'n{}'.format(d): _nest(d - 1, w + 1), 'm{}'.format(d): _nest(d - 1, w + 1)}
>>> dict_ = _nest(d=4, w=1)
>>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=6, precision=2, cbr=1)
>>> print('---')
>>> print(result)
>>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=-1, precision=2)
>>> print('---')
>>> print(result)


>>> import ubelt as ub
>>> data = {'a': 100, 'b': [1, '2', 3], 'c': {20:30, 40: 'five'}}
>>> print(ub.urepr(data, nl=1))
    'a': 100,
    'b': [1, '2', 3],
    'c': {20: 30, 40: 'five'},
>>> # Compact is useful for things like timerit.Timerit labels
>>> print(ub.urepr(data, compact=True))
>>> print(ub.urepr(data, compact=True, nobr=False))

alias of ReprExtensions