Source code for ubelt._win32_links

For dealing with symlinks, junctions, and hard-links on windows.

    .. [SO18883892]
    .. [SO21561850]
    .. [WinTwoFilesSame]
    .. [SO6260149]
    .. [WinDesktopAA365006]
    .. [SU902082]

Weird Behavior:
    - [ ] In many cases using the win32 API seems to result in privilege errors
          but using shell commands does not have this problem.
import os
import warnings
from os.path import exists
from os.path import join
from ubelt import util_io
from ubelt import util_path
import sys

if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
    import as jwfs

__win32_can_symlink__ = None  # type: bool | None

[docs] def _win32_symlink2(path, link, allow_fallback=True, verbose=0): """ Perform a real symbolic link if possible. However, on most versions of windows you need special privledges to create a real symlink. Therefore, we try to create a symlink, but if that fails we fallback to using a junction. AFAIK, the main difference between symlinks and junctions are that symlinks can reference relative or absolute paths, where as junctions always reference absolute paths. Not 100% on this though. Windows is weird. Note that junctions will not register as links via `islink`, but I believe real symlinks will. """ if _win32_can_symlink(): return _win32_symlink(path, link, verbose) else: return _win32_junction(path, link, verbose)
[docs] def _win32_junction(path, link, verbose=0): """ On older (pre 10) versions of windows we need admin privledges to make symlinks, however junctions seem to work. For paths we do a junction (softlink) and for files we use a hard link Example: >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(WIN32) >>> import ubelt as ub >>> root = ub.Path.appdir('ubelt', 'win32_junction').ensuredir() >>> ub.delete(root) >>> ub.ensuredir(root) >>> fpath = join(root, 'fpath.txt') >>> dpath = join(root, 'dpath') >>> fjunc = join(root, 'fjunc.txt') >>> djunc = join(root, 'djunc') >>> ub.touch(fpath) >>> ub.ensuredir(dpath) >>> ub.ensuredir(join(root, 'djunc_fake')) >>> ub.ensuredir(join(root, 'djunc_fake with space')) >>> ub.touch(join(root, 'djunc_fake with space file')) >>> _win32_junction(fpath, fjunc) >>> _win32_junction(dpath, djunc) >>> # thank god colons are not allowed >>> djunc2 = join(root, 'djunc2 [with pathological attrs]') >>> _win32_junction(dpath, djunc2) >>> _win32_is_junction(djunc) >>> ub.writeto(join(djunc, 'afile.txt'), 'foo') >>> assert ub.readfrom(join(dpath, 'afile.txt')) == 'foo' >>> ub.writeto(fjunc, 'foo') """ # junctions store absolute paths path = os.path.abspath(path) link = os.path.abspath(link) from ubelt import util_cmd if os.path.isdir(path): # try using a junction (soft link) if verbose: print('... as soft link') # TODO: what is the windows api for this? command = 'mklink /J "{}" "{}"'.format(link, path) else: # try using a hard link if verbose: print('... as hard link') # command = 'mklink /H "{}" "{}"'.format(link, path) try:, link) # this seems to be allowed except Exception: print('Failed to hardlink link={} to path={}'.format(link, path)) raise command = None if command is not None: info = util_cmd.cmd(command, shell=True) if info['ret'] != 0: from ubelt import util_format print('Failed command:') print(info['command']) print(util_format.repr2(info, nl=1)) raise OSError(str(info)) return link
[docs] def _win32_is_junction(path): """ Determines if a path is a win32 junction Example: >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(WIN32) >>> import ubelt as ub >>> root = ub.Path.appdir('ubelt', 'win32_junction').ensuredir() >>> ub.delete(root) >>> ub.ensuredir(root) >>> dpath = join(root, 'dpath') >>> djunc = join(root, 'djunc') >>> ub.ensuredir(dpath) >>> _win32_junction(dpath, djunc) >>> assert _win32_is_junction(djunc) is True >>> assert _win32_is_junction(dpath) is False >>> assert _win32_is_junction('notafile') is False """ path = os.fspath(path) if not exists(path): if os.path.isdir(path): if not os.path.islink(path): return True return False return jwfs.is_reparse_point(path) and not os.path.islink(path)
[docs] def _win32_read_junction(path): """ Returns the location that the junction points, raises ValueError if path is not a junction. Example: >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(WIN32) >>> import ubelt as ub >>> root = ub.Path.appdir('ubelt', 'win32_junction').ensuredir() >>> ub.delete(root) >>> ub.ensuredir(root) >>> dpath = join(root, 'dpath') >>> djunc = join(root, 'djunc') >>> ub.ensuredir(dpath) >>> _win32_junction(dpath, djunc) >>> path = djunc >>> pointed = _win32_read_junction(path) >>> print('pointed = {!r}'.format(pointed)) """ path = os.fspath(path) if not jwfs.is_reparse_point(path): raise ValueError('not a junction') # new version using the windows api handle = jwfs.api.CreateFile( path, 0, 0, None, jwfs.api.OPEN_EXISTING, jwfs.api.FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT | jwfs.api.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, None) if handle == jwfs.api.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: raise WindowsError() res = jwfs.reparse.DeviceIoControl( handle, jwfs.api.FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT, None, 10240) bytes = jwfs.create_string_buffer(res) p_rdb = jwfs.cast(bytes, jwfs.POINTER(jwfs.api.REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER)) rdb = p_rdb.contents if rdb.tag not in [2684354563, jwfs.api.IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK]: raise RuntimeError( "Expected <2684354563 or 2684354572>, but got %d" % rdb.tag) jwfs.handle_nonzero_success(jwfs.api.CloseHandle(handle)) subname = rdb.get_substitute_name() # probably has something to do with long paths, not sure if subname.startswith('?\\'): subname = subname[2:] return subname
[docs] def _win32_rmtree(path, verbose=0): """ rmtree for win32 that treats junctions like directory symlinks. The junction removal portion may not be safe on race conditions. There is a known issue [CPythonBug31226]_ that prevents :func:`shutil.rmtree` from deleting directories with junctions. References: .. [CPythonBug31226] """ path = os.fspath(path) def _rmjunctions(root): from os.path import join, isdir, islink for r, ds, fs in os.walk(root): subdirs = [] for d in ds: path = join(r, d) if isdir(path): if _win32_is_junction(path): # remove any junctions as we encounter them os.rmdir(path) elif not islink(path): subdirs.append(d) if 1: # Not sure if necessary, double check, junctions are odd for name in os.listdir(r): current = join(r, name) if os.path.isdir(current): if _win32_is_junction(current): # remove any junctions as we encounter them os.rmdir(current) # only recurse into real directories ds[:] = subdirs if _win32_is_junction(path): if verbose: print('Deleting <JUNCTION> directory="{}"'.format(path)) os.rmdir(path) else: if verbose: print('Deleting directory="{}"'.format(path)) # first remove all junctions _rmjunctions(path) # now we can rmtree as normal import shutil def onerror(func, path, exc_info): print('Error') print('func = {!r}'.format(func)) print('path = {!r}'.format(path)) print('exc_info = {!r}'.format(exc_info)) shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=onerror)
[docs] def _win32_is_hardlinked(fpath1, fpath2): """ Test if two hard links point to the same location Example: >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(WIN32) >>> import ubelt as ub >>> root = ub.Path.appdir('ubelt', 'win32_hardlink').ensuredir() >>> ub.delete(root) >>> ub.ensuredir(root) >>> fpath1 = join(root, 'fpath1') >>> fpath2 = join(root, 'fpath2') >>> ub.touch(fpath1) >>> ub.touch(fpath2) >>> fjunc1 = _win32_junction(fpath1, join(root, 'fjunc1')) >>> fjunc2 = _win32_junction(fpath2, join(root, 'fjunc2')) >>> assert _win32_is_hardlinked(fjunc1, fpath1) >>> assert _win32_is_hardlinked(fjunc2, fpath2) >>> assert not _win32_is_hardlinked(fjunc2, fpath1) >>> assert not _win32_is_hardlinked(fjunc1, fpath2) """ # NOTE: jwf.samefile(fpath1, fpath2) seems to behave differently def get_read_handle(fpath): if os.path.isdir(fpath): dwFlagsAndAttributes = jwfs.api.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS else: dwFlagsAndAttributes = 0 hFile = jwfs.api.CreateFile(fpath, jwfs.api.GENERIC_READ, jwfs.api.FILE_SHARE_READ, None, jwfs.api.OPEN_EXISTING, dwFlagsAndAttributes, None) return hFile def get_unique_id(hFile): info = jwfs.api.BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION() res = jwfs.api.GetFileInformationByHandle(hFile, info) jwfs.handle_nonzero_success(res) unique_id = (info.volume_serial_number, info.file_index_high, info.file_index_low) return unique_id hFile1 = get_read_handle(fpath1) hFile2 = get_read_handle(fpath2) try: are_equal = (get_unique_id(hFile1) == get_unique_id(hFile2)) except Exception: raise finally: jwfs.api.CloseHandle(hFile1) jwfs.api.CloseHandle(hFile2) return are_equal
[docs] def _win32_dir(path, star=''): """ Using the windows cmd shell to get information about a directory """ from ubelt import util_cmd import re wrapper = 'cmd /S /C "{}"' # the /S will preserve all inner quotes command = 'dir /-C "{}"{}'.format(path, star) wrapped = wrapper.format(command) info = util_cmd.cmd(wrapped, shell=True) if info['ret'] != 0: from ubelt import util_format print('Failed command:') print(info['command']) print(util_format.repr2(info, nl=1)) raise OSError(str(info)) # parse the output of dir to get some info # Remove header and footer lines = info['out'].split('\n')[5:-3] splitter = re.compile('( +)') for line in lines: parts = splitter.split(line) date, sep, time, sep, ampm, sep, type_or_size, sep = parts[:8] name = ''.join(parts[8:]) # if type is a junction then name will also contain the linked loc if name == '.' or name == '..': continue if type_or_size in ['<JUNCTION>', '<SYMLINKD>', '<SYMLINK>']: # colons cannot be in path names, so use that to find where # the name ends pos = name.find(':') bpos = name[:pos].rfind('[') name = name[:bpos - 1] pointed = name[bpos + 1:-1] yield type_or_size, name, pointed else: yield type_or_size, name, None